• Tag Archives admin
  • UK Online Safety Regulations

    The UK’s New Online Safety Regulation come into effect today, this is likely to have significant impact on users accessing adult content from within the UK. It may even result in some sites blocking users in the UK from even accessing the sites.

    Jockspank already has safety measures in place, in that visitors are unable to post to the site and all comments are moderated prior to publication. However, these may not be enough to satisfy the new regulations.

    We are looking into this matter and will let users know how this is likely to affect your experience of this site going forward.

  • JockSpank Site Maintenance

    Over the next five days, starting tomorrow April 11th, this site will be undergoing Maintenance, in an effort to resolve some of the technical issues we have been experiencing. Although the site is expected to remain online and open to visitors, we will be limited as to how many new postings, if any, can be uploaded until the work is completed.

    We anticipate that service will be back to normal by Sunday April 16th.

    Thank you for your understanding

  • Images

    It appears that, for some reason, images which were posted as jpegs are displaying as Web files this morning. I am sorry for any inconvenience, we are hoping to get this issue resolved ASAP

  • Comments Now Working!!

    A new Comment facility has been installed and this appears to have finally resolved the problems we were having!! It looks slightly different , but is really just a slightly improved version of the old one. Please let me know if you experience any difficulty.

    Thank you for your patience

  • Site Issues and Comments

    Site Issues and Comments

    Most of the problems we have been experiencing with the site appear to have been resolved, including the speed issues. I hope visitors are having a better user experience than was the case previously.

    Unfortunately we are still experiencing difficulty with visitor comments, which are sadly not all visible after approval. We are working to resolve this problem too, and I will keep you updated with developments

  • Spryte Drawing Request

    I have another request for assistance or information. A JockSpank reader is trying to trace a copy of a drawing by the wonderful Spanking fantasy artist Spryte.

    The drawing we are looking for features a handyman being spanked after messing up putting a picture – there’s a big crack in the wall and he’s wearing a tool belt.

    This Picture is not in the JockSpank collection, and does not appear to be on the old Spryte MM Spanking Fantasy blog.

    If anyone has a copy of that drawing, or knows where it can be found, could you please leave a reply in the comment section below.


    We have a successful outcome! Thanks to the fantasy Artist Mark who had the image in his collection

  • Follow up information request regarding Control T

    Follow up information request

    Hi I am repeating a request I first posted earlier this year

    Since the Hot Bottoms website was taken it has been increasingly difficult to obtain Control T videos, so if anyone knows of a source where these classic videos can still be obtained we would be grateful.

    Specifically, we are trying to find information about one control T videos entitled Humbled CTS film (#38.1)

    The scenario features a janitor who catches two hot young executives committing fraud and forses them to let him spank them rather than calling the cops

    If anyone has information on this Control T Video, please leave a comment below. (your e-mail address will not be published, but I can e-mail you privately if required)

    Thanks for your help

  • Information Requests

    I have a number of information requests this weekend, and hope that some readers will be able to assist.

    Spankable Butts

    Firstly regarding the Spankables, as the Internet seems to be entering a new Puritan age, the number of blogs and free sites featuring naked make bottoms seems to have reduced dramatically. A large number of blogs seem to have closed down in the last year, and since Tumblr caved to the moral minority and donned the veil, it has become harder to find suitable male nudity.

    Can any recommend an alternative to Tumblr which still upholds uncensored liberal values?

    Control T

    Since the HotBottoms site closed down, it has become very difficult to find Suppliers of Control T Videos. There are a few very poor quality copies on Pirate sites (which I disapprove of, as they are HUGELY damaging to the legitimate studios still making male spanking videos) or those rip-off pay per minute streaming sites. Does anyone know if there is a source where one can still buy or download Control T videos?

    Control T Fem Dom

    I have recently been informed that Control T made a small number of F/M videos, I was not previously aware of this. Does anyone know anything about Control T Videos featuring women spanking men? And are these still available?

    Last Months Information Request

    We are still seeking information on CP Services London videos and and Daddy Howard videos featuring Oscar Mann, which were requested in the last Information Request.

    If anyone can help with any of the above please reply in the comments section, either here or at the old JockSpank blog.

    Thanks for your help

  • Information Requests

    We have received some Information requests, firstly, a JockSpank follower is seeing information on CP Services London. Does any one know if their videos are still available, and if so, where they can be obtained.

    Another JockSpank follower is seeking information on Daddy Howard video, especially any featuring the Handsome spanking model Oscar Mann and especially a video featuring Oscar man in the diaper position. I have attached some tiny stills from that video below;

    If anyone has any information regarding either of the above requests can you please leave a comment in the Comments section below, or you can leave an Anonymous comment at the old JockSpank Blog.

    Thanks for your help.

    Here is Oscar Getting it from Daddy Howard


    Click here or on the Continue Reading Tab below to see more pictures



    Continue reading  Post ID 71068