Straight Lads Spanked – Harry The Bully

Straight Lads Spanked: Harry is an angry young man. He was mainly brought up by his Stepfather. He was brought up well but Harry could never accept his Stepfather. As Harry got older he started going to the gym and working out. One day this strapping young teenager took out his frustrations oft life on his innocent Stepdad and punched him hard. His Stepfather was badly hurt….

Harry’s mother could not bear to see any more of this so gave her unruly son an ultimatum; Go and visit the local community spanker Mr X for punishment or leave home!

Cocky young Harry thought Mr X would be a breeze! ……Harry was wrong!


5 Responses to Straight Lads Spanked – Harry The Bully

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    You know it’s A hard spanking when Mr. X isn’t using A paddle. One hard hand spanking. Hope you hit hard enough that he won’t be sitting down for some time.

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I want to see Mr X over a knee in one of these great films. I would like to see Andy spank him.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Are those briefs or boxerbriefs??

  4. I think they would be classed as snug fitting Calvin Klein boxer briefs! OH and boy did he get a hard hand spanking in this movie. Poor lad it was his first time getting spanked, ever! Oh and I’m not sure you are going to see Mr X getting spanked any time soon! 🙂