Sting: Video Preview for “The Coaches Cure 8”

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One Response to Sting: Video Preview for “The Coaches Cure 8”

  1. “Oh, my only summer hat!” ejaculated Bob Cherry!

    For those of us who have been feeling withdrawal symptoms from not seeing young Finn get smacked for some little time, this video has been SO-O-O worth the wait! Thank you, a thousand times, Sting, for a delicious little clip that ticks all the Doc’s boxes (should that be ‘boxers’, haha!?): young Finn laid over the knee to be spanked, wearing that combination of short shorts and coloured underpants that does it for me every time! And I’m open to correction here (as always, haha!) but I recognize Finn’s tight black boxer-briefs as the pants he was wearing the first time he had to bend over in the new short grey school shorts being made to bend over for a good caning from Ryan, who was then embarking on the early stages of his career as a top. Another 10/10 performance from this naughty boy!

    AS for Eric, the new Sting spanker, I wonder if he realises just how lucky he is? His first ever appearance on Sting and he gets to lay the drop-dead gorgeous FINN over his knee!!! Of all the boys he could have been called on to spank! And it is clear from Finn’s agonised facial expressions that Eric has a hard hand, a strong arm, and that he surely knows his job when it comes to spanking boys! I’m hoping for great things from his partnership with Sting, which looks like being a fruitful one!

    Now, I have to admit, I’m not actually the biggest fan of seeing tops being spanked, as I prefer to watch the younger and more twinky lads being punished! The exception would be the eternally spankable Ryan Conway, whom we’ve got so used to seeing in his role as a lusciously scrumptious bottom! However, there is no doubt that Eric has, certainly in those short, tight shorts, a pert and very spankable bottom that is just screaming out to be smacked – and smacked HARD! Also, I think it is no bad thing for the young tops to have the occasional reminder of what the younger boys go through while bending over their knees! I have to admit (confession time here, guys!!!) that it was that thinking that led me to the decision to pay the occasional visit to a VERY strict lady myself in recent times!

    If Eric is going to be disciplined in a ‘top’ spanking scenario, where he plays a bottom, I’d love to see him in a school-prefect setting where he is bent over the desk and punished with a good hard caning for administering illicit or overly severe spanking to a younger boy. A few of Sting’s younger lads, in the role of ‘top’, have had their backsides tanned well and truly for such ‘offences’!

    Whatever – thanks, Sting, for a WONDERFUL clip! Thank you, Finn, my naughty lad, and thanks, Eric, for a superb debut! VIVAT!