Sting: Video Preview for Slipper Him 13

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One Response to Sting: Video Preview for Slipper Him 13

  1. Oh, my ears and whiskers! Isn’t young Danny just a lovely addition to the Sting family?! Youthful good looks, a beautiful boyish physique and a deliciously pert, cheeky little bottom, just carved by the gods of Spankers’ Heaven for smacking! And its curves wonderfully accentuated by those tan-lines that show he’s been laying on his tummy, toasting his supple young body wearing only a pair of good short swimming-trunks, or possibly even underpants, since boys today seem to have no inhibitions about swimming and sunbathing in their pants! Talking of which, there is always that minor apprehension for me that a new Stinglad will ruin his debut by wearing white underpants. I needed have no such fears in Danny’s case as it was clear from the start that he is a committed wearer of coloured underpants! I am looking forward, as we see more of this gorgeous twink, to being introduced to the contents of his pants-drawer and seeing what other treasures nestle there!

    And isn’t the lad thrown in at the deep end – not half! That opening sequence – WOW! It’s a rare treat indeed on any spanking site to see a boy with his cock standing on end – I’m guessing it would be quite easy for Danny to get it up if he was thinking about getting a good smacked bottom! It certainly always had a similar effect on my libido when I was going to receive corporal punishment at school or a spanking at home and I was always hard by the time I was told to bend over! And then the boy being made to wear very short shorts and being laid over the knee, then told to strip bare and bend over for the slipper across his naked buttocks! Not every Stinglad gets all that with his very first spanking! It is a really good thing psychologically to get a boy into short shorts for a thrashing, since it makes the point absolutely clearly that he’s going to get his bottom smacked! I know that boys have far less of a problem now with wearing shorts than they did in times gone by, in fact the slightest sign of sunshine in early summer and all the teenage lads I know are in shorts straight away! However, I do think there is a degree of shortness with which many of them might be uncomfortable and I’m thinking these brief Adidas green shorts would qualify! It’s good to see that pair being given an airing again as it’s a while since we’ve seen a boy spanked in them! And doesn’t Danny’s pert bottom fill them out delightfully!

    I find it fascinating to see how sensitively different boys’ bottoms respond to corporal punishment in terms of how they colour up during discipline! Some lads’ buttocks barely turn pink, whereas you get others whose backsides start to assume a rosy hue almost immediately. Danny clearly belongs to this end of the colour-spectrum, since his bum looks like a couple of raspberry ripples by the time James has finished smacking and slippering him!

    Thanks a million, Sing, for yet another spanktastic video that ticks all the Doc’s boxers, sorry, boxes!

    Cliff van Spanking.