Sting: Video Preview for Kiwi College 26

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Title 2257

5 Responses to Sting: Video Preview for Kiwi College 26

  1. Like the return of the infamous last picture!

  2. Photos are amazing. Luke is gorgeous. And yes the Infamous last picture (well said VInce) ….Would be great if there was an extensive photo gallery to go with the video. But thanks for the great pics here. Luke is a winner.

  3. The impertinence of that tattoo on his arm, which says ”FUCK THE RULES.” No wonder he gets his bottom smacked!

    • If I had the utterly enviable task of disciplining young Luke, he wouldn’t just have been getting a smacked bottom! He would have had his face smacked until every trace of that insolent smirk was well and truly wiped off it! And as for walking into the headmaster’s office chewing???!!! That in itself was more than enough to get even a sixth-form boy a spanking in my day! My word! What are these boys coming to?!!

    • It wasn’t there on his last (released) visit (Benchtime) in November. I wonder if he was (rather unwisely) trying to send Rich a message? 😉