Sting: Just Aaron – A Boy in Trouble – Video trailer

Some additional images and a video trailer for the new Sting download 

Alternatively the trailer can be downloaded to your hard drive from SendSpace by clicking here

(When downloading from Sendspace click on the blue bar towards the bottom of the screen – See illustration below)

 Click to enlarge


Shot in Full HD

NOTE:  In view of Aaron Alton’s very youthful looks, a copy of his proof of age has been made available and can be viewed by clicking here

There is a link to the Sting Title 2257 proof of age declaration in the right hand column of this blog

5 Responses to Sting: Just Aaron – A Boy in Trouble – Video trailer

  1. EYES…. They are beautiful do sting photoshop there pics?

  2. I can confirm that Aaron’s eyes are as nature gave them to him and have not been digitally enhanced.

    No photoshopping was involved

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Is this guy def?

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I believe this guy looks great all dressed up .But think he would look much better in his jockey shorts of course that would be only initially as everything would need to be removed and then we would see and hear what this young man is made of .I believe that I would start with OTK and progress from there I get the sense that this guy is a first timer so would give a little mercy the first time around but thatbwould only preclude what will come later

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    this guy is fantastic he look perfect for me to spank if possible please