Sting: The Housemaster’s Study 7 (Part 2 of 2)

Scene Two


Danny Peterson (new StingLad Ivan Sabado) is also a bit of a prankster. Tripping up another boy on the stairs maybe hilarious to him …

but its not to the ever watchful Housemaster, who catches him in the act!

Delivered by his ear the the Housemaster’s Study young Peterson can expect now to be bending over touching his toes for a good caning.

This will be with both grey trousers up and down of course, then finally on the bare bottom.


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However, to fully remind him those cane stripes will need waking up again! Nothing better to do that than a good over the knee spanking!






CLICK HERE to view part One and the Video preview




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One Response to Sting: The Housemaster’s Study 7 (Part 2 of 2)

  1. #PerfectinSocks as ever with both lads- (esp the longer white socks– woof)