Spanking Straight Boys: Parker in the Stockade

Spanking Straight Boys: Parker in the Stockade

Where to begin? Tom learned that a dominatrix was going out of business and selling her treasure trove of well-used bdsm and spanking gear and furniture. She lives some distance away, however, and Tom needed both a truck and a helper if he was to buy some of her collection. Renting a truck was no problem, but who does one bring along on a mission to retrieve bdsm gear from a dominatrix’s dungeon? Why, Parker himself, of course.


It was a long trip, but young Parker was eager to earn some extra cash. Tom had hoped to purchase quite a few items from this dominatrix, but her dungeon was pretty well cleaned-out by the time he and Parker arrived. Luckily, the custom-made Plexiglas stockade used in this video was still available.

On the trip back, it suddenly occurred to Parker that he would be the first boy to be put in the stockade. He asked Tom if that was the plan and was clearly unhappy when Tom told him it was. On the day of the shoot, Parker said that he was nervous about being put in the stockade. Tom asked why, and Parker explained that once he was in the stockade, there was clearly going to be no way out of it until Tom released him.


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During previous spankings, Parker had already been bent completely over with his wrists and ankles bound to a spreader bar, strapped to the spanking bench and suspended upside down. There is, however, some wiggle room in all of those positions. The stockade is completely rigid and unforgiving. It holds a boy in place, bent over, completely vulnerable and totally humbled.

This video opens with Tom placing a nervous Parker in the stockade. Once he had him in it, Tom saw Parker’s point. There is simply no way out of the stockade other than someone else releasing you. The thought crossed Tom’s mind that if he should drop dead during the shoot, Parker would be trapped. The nearest neighbor is not within earshot. Parker would have to yell and scream until a passerby happened to hear him!

Tom begins by spanking Parker some by hand. He then whips down Parker’s underwear and brings out a leather slapper (also bought from the dominatrix) for use on Parker’s bare butt. Next comes a thin acrylic paddle (also purchased from the dominatrix) followed by a wider acrylic paddle.

The leather slapper hurts, but those acrylic paddles, as Parker quickly learns, deliver a mighty sting. Parker gasps, groans and yells as the spanking continues. He moves his hands (repeatedly clenching them) and whips his head about as his face contorts. He even manages to move his butt a small amount. He cannot, however, move his butt out of the path of the paddles or Tom’s hand.




After a lengthy session that pushes Parker to his limits, Tom releases him and tells him to get dressed. Parker is clearly angry and resentful, but he knows better than to be disobedient.

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4 Responses to Spanking Straight Boys: Parker in the Stockade

  1. Young Parker is such a cheeky-looking little rascal and is right up there in my gallery of ‘Spankables from the front’ before he even starts stripping for punishment! And the cheekiness of his handsome face is only exceeded by the cheekiness of his pert well-rounded bottom as he bends over and is secured in the stockade for the spanking he deserves! And I have to say a bottom complemented and made all the more smackable by the way it is so perfectly framed by those short, tight navy-blue boxer-briefs, one of my favourite colours for spankingwear! I like the stocks – just exactly the right height to get the naughty young monkey good and properly bent over at a very favourable angle for being disciplined. If you’re going to make a boy bend over to get his bottom smacked, do it properly. I’ve had occasions when a boy has interpreted the words ‘Bend over’ as meaning he was to bend forward slightly and stick his bottom out – they’ve soon found out VERY differently!!!

    Angry and resentful, eh, Parker? So you might be, young man, but at 19 you’re still quite young enough to be well and truly spanked when you’re a naughty boy! And with a bottom like yours, so you jolly well should be, my lad!

  2. Parker is a very handsome LAD, aldo very sexy and I like his light hairy legs. I wouls like to see him often.

    His Face and body i so HOT!!!!

  3. nice bottom to cane soundly in that postion