Spanking Straight Boys: Kurt’s First Spanking

Spanking Straight Boys: Kurt’s First Spanking

Kurt is a muscular, hung 26-year-old straight boy who has never before been touched by a man. This is not only his first spanking video, but, as is the case with most of our models, it’s also the first adult work of any kind he has done.



Like so many of the boys we shoot, he never asked a single question about the paddling footage or what it would entail. This leaves Tom not quite knowing if he understands the nature of the footage. The interview portion, which is shot before the paddling, always includes questions about a boy’s history of physical discipline. That’s enough to clue almost all of the boys, if they hadn’t realized what “paddling” meant before, they should do now.


Kurt apparently did realize what the paddling would be (physical discipline), but it seems like the swats Tom delivered may have surprised him a bit. He had more surprises to come!


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Regardless, the harshness of this paddling did surprise Kurt. He describes it as the harshest physical discipline he has ever received, but also says he “wouldn’t be opposed” to coming back.


Tom wasn’t sure how Kurt would react to going over a man’s knee for this first video, so he bent him over the back of a couch and used his hand, a perforated wooden paddle, five-gallon paint stick and a painful clear acrylic paddle.




Kurt does his best to remain stoic. However, by the end of the twenty strokes of the acrylic paddle, Kurt’s butt is very red by the end, and he is clearly fighting to hold back tears. If he had thought this would be an easy session, he learned otherwise.


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