Spanking Straight Boys: Dustin Cuffed and Spanked (Part 2)

Spanking Straight Boys: Dustin Cuffed and Spanked (Part 2)

Dustin is a married 23-year-old straight boy and former Marine. He’s a great guy, but he pissed Tom off when he rescheduled his spanking twice and then showed up late.

In part one of this video, Tom strapped Dustin to a table, handcuffed him and spanked him hard. Now, in part 2, the spanking continues.


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Tom using his hand, a flog and a hairbrush to extract an apology from Dustin. After a few tries, Dustin gives a sincere enough apology that Tom lets him go. This was some months ago, and Dustin has yet to come back.

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18. U.S.C. 2257

One Response to Spanking Straight Boys: Dustin Cuffed and Spanked (Part 2)

  1. Avatar Serb-Canadian Award Winning Author
    Serb-Canadian Award Winning Author says:

    Dustin is super cute and I wish I had him oveer my lap here in Belgrade, Serbia.