SpankChicosmalos: Full Direct

SpankChicosmalos: Full Direct

Fernando shows his ass over the Internet. Many of his followers enjoy watching his sexy Latino bubble butt. He is caught while doing a live stream, and he gets his ass tanned live, too. A very humiliating situation for him, but very arousing to his followers.

Fernando enseña su culo en Internet. Muchos de sus seguidores disfrutan viendo su culo latino tan redondo y sexy. Él es descubierto en una emisión en directo y su culo es castigado en pleno directo. Una situación humillante para él, pero muy excitante para sus seguidores

费尔南多在互联网上展示了他的屁股。 她的许多追随者喜欢看到她圆润性感的拉丁屁股。 他在直播中被发现,他的屁股被直接惩罚了。 对他来说这是一种耻辱的处境,但对他的粉丝来说却非常令人兴奋。


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One Response to SpankChicosmalos: Full Direct

  1. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Fernando feels fucking-forever-fucked by the Internet, again and again abysmally attracting abundant agony to his abject adolescent arse. His fucking-poor farmhand family fulminated when his generous godfather gave him as primary graduation-present a ‘fucking fancy fairy-smartphone’, fatherly-firmly flailing his frockless filial fanny for fee after fee for the fucking-expensive provider every month, a crushing cost on pa’s pittance-pay, but padron’s cousin -the godfather- may never be offended in chief of his ‘grand, generous, great’ gift.
    At junior-high-school graduation, Fernando got a webcam too, and after honestly reporting the downside of the earlier great gift, the saucy suggestion to support his sire by earning cash with his adorable angelic arse, greatly to godfatherly gusto, so he got it stripped, fondled, groped, spanked and demo-filmed by Sir for free, having his humble hiney and horse-hung he-hood hornily heeded and hand-hit by his high-born handler, hissing ‘a high honour for a Hispanic humble-hound hottie’.
    So he soon signs up for monthly minute-footage bare-butt, guaranteed to pay his internet feel, plus one percent of possible petty profits from painfully pleasing pittance-paid a predatory pervert puerile posterior pounding porn public.
    Alas, before the nice knave could -clothes-on ‘coyly’- proudly present to puerile-posterior-pounding-prone pa the provider-payment in pittance-porn-paid pennies, he was literally caught in the act by papa: perkily posing with his pants down, while the house rule is a knave is nude in view of (male-only) others only for hygiene, healthcare (both costly, hence rare) or (free, hence far-more frequent, in fact also for fucking-fine flailer-&friends’ flogger-fun) painful posterior punishment, so in the absence of washing props or a medical man, the only way to “normalize” the nice-shaped knave’s naughty nudity is harshly hiding him heatenishly-hell-hot here-and-now: half an hour of hard-handed hits home-style, half hand-only, half holding a hardwood-ladle.
    ICT-clueless papa never noticed the camera, nor any of his paisano generation checks the Internet ever, so they may (mercifully) never find out, but(t) the brat’s big brother Bernardo, who witnesses puerile-pup-peer’s paternalistic porn-punishment (as usual both-ways), realizes what happens and extorts a 10% hush-money share for keeping silent to their elder kinsmen stat, and soon scores 15% more as media manager and often 25% as spanker, an easy fortune by their eerily-exposed-extremities-endurance-experienced spankable-squirt-sons-standard, as the professional porn site Bernardo found pays much more for on-screen CP on the bare scripted on-demand, so the saucy siblings can save up and start dreaming of some better future than illegal farmhand-toil under constant threat of deportation.
    Bloody-brotherly-buddy-bum-brutalizing big brother Bernardo will from now earn up to 50% when spanking kid-bro, so he dares dream big, if their popularity keeps up like fine-fanny-featured, full-force-flailable Fernando’s abjectly-agonized arse may even earn them a serious study fund, their wickedly-well-whipped-wriggling-whippersnapper-worms’ wonderful way out of the fucking-flailing-for-free farm to a future of ‘fame and fortune’.