Spanking Straight Boys: Alexander’s First Spanking

Spanking Straight Boys: Alexander’s First Spanking

Alexander is a 21-year-old Marine who has never done an adult video before today. This is his first spanking video, but not his first spanking (he had many in his younger years).


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This video begins with a brief interview with Alexander in which he tells us a bit about himself and his history. Then the spanking starts. It’s a hard spanking given by hand and with a perforated paddle. Alexander struggles to suppress his reactions, but with only limited success. By the end of the spanking, his butt is a shade of dark red that shows just how hard this spanking is.

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7 Responses to Spanking Straight Boys: Alexander’s First Spanking

  1. Really cute guy! Hope we see him again, although I suppose he has limited availability.

  2. A handsome twink again…at last…! 🙂 🙂

  3. Such a sweet, well-brought-up lad. But obviously he was not used to call his father “Sir”. 🙂

    • Avatar Anna Nicole Smith
      Anna Nicole Smith says:

      I think calling someone sir or ma’am is like such an American thing because in Britain we don’t really do that. The only time that we could call someone sir and we don’t say ma’am we say miss is when we’re in school. Other than that we wouldn’t really address people in that way. I’ve seen Americans do it to like police officers and I just think it’s weird like that’s just so odd to me. I would never refer to a police officer as sir because they’re no better than I am. That means that there superior than me. I think by calling someone sir is just acting like they’re superior and they’re not and I would not do it but I think it’s very odd if men women refer to there mother and father as such because it’s almost like being in the army, it’s very bizarre and it’s something that doesn’t really translate to Britain. It’s also like all of this counting malarkey once 1 sir 2 sir etc personally, I’ll just find the translation of such is just weird. Just call people by their first name. Also in Britain if you address someone as sir, they’d probably think you’re weird in certain circumstances.

      • You are obviously one of our younger followers, and are looking at the situation from your own youthful experience. And you are correct that Britain has largely abandoned the concept of deference and respect for one’s elders. However, as recently as the 1960’s it was not uncommon for a British son to refer to his father as “Sir” in the way that still exists in some American homes. Also in schools I believe it is still common practice to refer to a male teacher as “Sir” (unless he has a beard, a man bun and insists his students call him Brian)

        Ma’am is more restricted to Royalty now. Or it might be used by a servant to address their mistress. But, who can afford servants these days (or a Mistress for that matter!!)

      • Here in the U.S. it can vary very widely depending on the region and as well as an individual’s background. Going to school In the northeast in the 90s we did not call our teachers sir/ma’am; always Mr./Mrs./Miss. (Exception being religious figures who also taught: Sister, Father, etc.) In other states where I had relatives going school, sir/ma’am was the norm.

        As for addressing police, at least in my region nowadays, folks usually use the term officer.

  4. I’m always surprised how many of these boys were spanked growing up. Seems that even today, lot’s of American boys still have to pull down their pants for a spanking by their parents every once in a while