Spanking Army Boys

After Michal’s Punishment the Sergeant decides to give a painful spanking painful to fellow soldier Lukas. After being made to strip, Lukas is punished on the anus of the ass, with the riding crop. Followed, by a severe spanking with the strap first, and then by hand

0056 army

also at Clips4Sale

5 Responses to Spanking Army Boys

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    ass centered spanking!

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    once again army is awesome

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    no need for three
    to spank the inner fanny
    take him across your knee
    with your right leg between his firmly
    the bad lad’s fanny
    opens up wonderously
    to be spanked there liberally.
    Take it from me
    who spanks thoroughly.

  4. I am sure it is possible to do it without a third pair of hands but having a friend hold his cheeks apart adds to the humiliation and makes the clip so much hotter! i wish we had a clear view of his hole though…