5 Responses to Spanking Army Boys

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Wow, what a beautiful boy and ass – those dimpled cheeks being so soundly beaten. Most erotic. More please. Tris

  2. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Looks lovely, like the laceration-layingon lieutenant’s licking lets the lower-limbs-lividly-lashed lowly-loutish-lad learn lasting lectured-lessons like how to jump to commands and loudly lament!

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    jumping for joy

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    loveable & looks
    licked & learns
    delightful dimples
    well rounded red rump

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Know the guys do it for money but they’re still taking a real whippin’ – I get it with the cane etc from my old man barebutt just like this vid so I know how sore it is.