3 Responses to Spanked by the Mad Brown Monk

  1. Anonymous –Nice set of clips walking us through the processor this. spanking.I loved the various positions that Mad Brown Monk had him in.in addition there were some excellent clips of this youngster Hide before and after his spanking .This was awesome to say the least .These Clips were some of the best seen in longtimeIn the clips that were shown also appeared to indicate the when a Spanking is going occur it should start and finish in theBare I happen to agree with this as think it sends a definite message and shouldn’t be diverted from under any circumstances .I say whip those Hides good and plenty with out mercy

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Anonymous-MadBrown monk is a Classic Spanker .He is a awesome spanker as is it is illlustrated in the clips.It goes without saying that when one gets a spanking from Mad Brown Monk it done very completely and without much mercy .It goes also without saying that when he gives one a spanking it’s far from being ordinary .The clips of thevyoung man hide before and after are more than awesome .Let’s have some more soon.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Jimbar –In regard to Mad Brown Monk I love all the clips and that he is a classic spanker The positions that the young man is n during his spanking are also more than great .It just appears that the Monk is such a natural when it comes to whipping on Hides.I dontbelieve that I. Would want him to Spank me .But sure those who have been spanked by him won’t be coming back for a repeat performance but they will have something to remember for a long time