Spankchicosmalos: Thermometer With Punishment (Part 1)

Spankchicosmalos: Thermometer With Punishment (Part 1)

Sergio heating a thermometer to pretend he has a fever. He doesn’t want to go to boring summer classes to pass the September make-up exams for his failed subjects. Unfortunately for him, there is a very humiliating and effective way to measure temperature, rectally, with the thermometer in his hole. His lie is discovered, and his ass receives a well-deserved punishment.

Sergio calienta un termómetro para simular que tiene fiebre. No quiere ir a las aburridas clases de verano para aprobar los exámenes de recuperación de septiembre de las asignaturas que ha suspendido. Por desgracia para él, existe una forma muy humillante y efectiva de medir la temperatura, por vía rectal, con el termómetro en su agujero. Su mentira es descubierta y su culo recibe un merecido castigo.

塞尔吉奥加热温度计假装发烧。他不想去无聊的暑期班,通过 9 月补考来弥补他不及格的科目。不幸的是,有一种非常羞辱和有效的方法可以测量体温,那就是将温度计插入他的洞里,通过直肠测量。他的谎言被发现了,他的屁股受到了应有的惩罚。



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One Response to Spankchicosmalos: Thermometer With Punishment (Part 1)

  1. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Sergio really is sensing a sorely sickening sensation in the sweetie’s stomach with a torturously throbbing headache at home when he thinks of his next summer class, which he agrees he needs to keep-up at school next year, only the psychosomatic problem isn’t of the type that probes detect; but(t) the blighted bloody-brutal bully clerical guest lector on catechism class -compulsory for all at his (Catholic) strict (summer) school- every even day, like now, who systematically keeps back in turn one of the cuties, including Sergio, which he already ‘divine rod’-flogged in class (single layer, so all curs come commando, his hand hurtfully checks he-hoods being bare in each beating-bound brat-boy’s boner-bulging bermudas) on a petty pretence, during recess for a private bare-balls demo-lesson on what never again to do with male rods, and the brimstone-preaching holy-hypocritical hell-hound hatefully will be throning threateningly in the confessional on Friday, imposing pitiless plenty of penitence for that very sodomy the knave can’t deny, nor hide having had a horrible hiding at his harsh-haughty hand, guaranteed to get it at least as bad at home as after every confession, fathers in his fucking-devout family eagerly calling themselves Heaven’s humblest hard-handed helpers hiding humble-hound-hinies heathenishly-harshly, or hell-hounds have to harsher-still in evil eerily-endurance-exposed eternity. Sergio fears his Sodom-style sinner number is up soon, but(t) is too ashamed to tell anyone, hence rather risks getting caught malingering.
    Father knows the thermometer trick, as his grandpa once memorably tamarind-switch-flogged him halfway to hell and back for it, bare-balls in front of all cousins, who were ordered (most eager anyway) to administer their ages in extra cuts, but(t) wants the wayward wanton able to sit in summer class and feels like trying a punitive compulsion alternative to spanking, as Sergio might get ‘too-well used to’ a sore seat, so spotting how marvellously mortified the mutt is having to bare and present his humble-hound he-hole hardon-heeded for the rectal intrusion, more than actually BA OTK, Sir is inspired. So when Sergio’s nice, shy, splendidly-sire-subdued neighbour classmate buddy arrives to cycle to school as always, Sir asks him in and orders Sergio to drop trou in front of his mate for a second rectal check, and sees, satisfied, it gets his shivering-stripping son desperately ashamed to obey, way worse than when he gets spanked (like most peers) with the same solo-audience whenever they return late, hence writes a letter he orders the mate to hand to the summer school principal, asking for every first class AM or PM to start with such rectal probe in class for Sergio, until his teachers agree he shows a model attitude, which will never happen anyway because of that bloody bully catechist creep, who will enjoy pretending the poor puerile puppy clutches his cones and laying on the rod on the bare ‘soundly’ before properly pushing in the probe and keeping it in way too long, then scold his horse-hung ‘horniness’ and relish repeating the rigid-rods-ride ruthlessly, finally keeping him hands-on-head at the blackboard, in already-attribute-arse-agonized aghast anticipation of the recess, whether he gets his turn or makes a mate’s even more miserable just by being there bare-balls and butt-blazing, which is precisely why he’ll be last and best sodomy subject.
    Just to be on the safe side, pa will soon systematicallyinvite that buddy or any other mate in to witness him getting another rectal probe, standard to ‘remind him of his humble place’, and often a sound spanking for something, saying this will continue daily until he gets great grades all-round, also whenever Sir has guests, most already used to Sergio OTK. Both ignore that kinky uncle Ugo will bring his brother as Christmas present a butt-plug pony-tail, riding-crop and cock-fixed reins, perfect to take Sergio’s embarra(r)s(s)ment to the next level, which Sir warns will actually happen if he gets poor grades again, even if that’s at college, when his big brother will get a thermometer offered for the same ‘homely use’ and ‘frat-fun’, which will finally end the cursed spell for Sergio, as the giddy gay big bro will gently teach the pup the pleasures of playfully pantsing, patting and praising puerile priapism or poop-pulsations as pleasing ‘pain-less perversion’ of pitiful probe and posterior punishment to peers-pleasuring-plays.