398007195_2706341076186701_3915343668079436738_n Attached Source Saturday Spankables Enjoy the weekly parade of spankable young men the SATURDAY SPANKABLES Spankables by Dr van Spanking Thanks to Dr van Spanking for this week's first selection ** * Click on the Continue Reading... 397978763_308586818643094_3114228934271634220_n 399500771_1038895233920660_1491341145796727159_n
June 23, 2010 Ward Reluctant Young men – On subscriptionI am delighted to announce that Reluctant Young Men spanking videos have now launched a new Subscrip...
August 4, 2020 Ward New Sting Release: “Coach Stone”Click Here to visit the Feel the Sting blog for details of the latest release from Sting Pictures Ti...