Saturday Spankables

This weekend’s selection of tantalising targets the SATURDAY SPANKABLES

Spankables by Dr van Spanking

Dr van Spanking hunted down these deserving fella’s



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Unmistakably Jack Laugher (waving the Union Jack flag)

Here is Bruce’s amazing contribution


NOTE: the Saturday Spankables are images taken from the public domain and are posted here for the enjoyment of those who appreciate the male form. Jockspank gain no financial benefit from these images, if you have any concerns or comments regarding any image, please let us know, using the CONTACT US field in the left hand column

6 Responses to Saturday Spankables

  1. I LOVE the caption about the gif of young Jack Laugher! One of the reasons he is so unmistakable from the rear is his characteristic habit of wearing swimming-briefs that are one size smaller than his regular size (so presumably that would be the size he would take in underpants as well as swimming-trunks). He is the only one of our British team of smackably-bottomed young diving lads who wears briefer swimming-knix than he would normally wear – he reckons it makes him more aerodynamic when he’s diving. I wouldn’t know about that but it certainly makes him VERY much more spankable!

    • To me, they look to be a perfect fit!!!
      My favorite diver has always been Chris Mears – he has a super-sexy butt (and more!)

      • I can well understand those feelings! I never see young Chris walking around in his tight nylon swimming-briefs without wanting to lay him over my knee and administer the spanking he’s SO asking for across his pert, cheeky bottom!

    • Avatar Stephen
      Stephen says:

      Thank you for your contributions! Breathtaking.

  2. Fantastic contributions as ever from Bruce! I particularly like the black-and-white one of the boy getting his bare bottom flicked with a towel – and he isn’t half asking for it, with those tan-lines! WOW!

    The picture is also illustrative of something else that I’ve always found – that lads do love smacking each other’s bottoms!