Royale Studio

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Sting will shortly be producing a tribute to Royale Studios, here are some examples of early Royale images from the 1950’s, produced in London at a time when homosexuality itself was illegal, and punishable by years in prison, let alone sadomasochistic gay pornography.

These are pictures which were produced, circulated and owned with great difficulty and at risk of imprisonment. They are over 50 years old and hark back to a different time. yet they have a compelling eroticism which endures to this day.

If there is such a thing as a spanking community, these images, together with the AGM American equivalent, are our heritage. These models and the men who photographed, were brave men and trail blazers, they deserve our respect, and our thanks.

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15 years ago

Thx for the Royale and other studios; they are as close as we Brits came to the AMG; their studio was a house very near where I live in London with lots of military barracks Roll- on Stings homage film- round about to recruit from