PhotoShopped by Mark – A Super hero tid-bit – Batman Disciplines The Flash

Regular JockSpank contributor Mark, who creates the popular and much loved PhotoShop images of hunky, handsome guys getting spanked, which are regularly posted here, is working on a new series of images for 2014, which he hopes to post later this month – so watch this space.
Meanwhile, to keep us fans happy until his next installment, here is a brilliant extra image which will delight Superhero fans, featuring Batman disciplining The Flash.


2 Responses to PhotoShopped by Mark – A Super hero tid-bit – Batman Disciplines The Flash

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Great picture!

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I love this! I’ve long had a fantasy about super heros getting spanked, particularly Superman. Can’t wait to see more.