bls-pay-up-01-05 Attached Source Pay Up: At Bottom Line Pay Up: John Owes John (*in his BLS debut*) and Fernando have borrowed money from the mafia, and enforcer Diego has arrived at their apartment to collect their weekly payment. Diego isn't amused to fi... bls-pay-up-01-04 bls-pay-up-01-06
June 12, 2017 Ward Art By Franco : – Sal gets the Strap!New Art by Franco *** Given the intense and driven expression on the Spanker's face, I imagine this...
February 11, 2022 Ward SPK-Prod : Il Me Faut Un Coupable (I Need a Culprit)SPK (Prod) : Il Me Faut Un Coupable (I Need a Culprit) In the past, when one could not find the culp...