• Group Spanking in the Shower

    “Dude, I told you we’d all get in trouble if we horsed around too much . . . “

    “Yeah, but who knew Coach would get so pissed off over a couple towel snaps?”

    “Still can’t believe he actually SPANKED all four of us . . . My ass is killing me!”

    “Aw shit! Coach is coming back guys, and he’s bringing the PADDLE with him!”

  • Commercial Studios

    In the last few days a couple of visitors have e-mailed me and asked why I often include links to commercial sites in my posts, and also we include links to such studios in the blog sidebar. I would like to make it clear that Jock Spank has no connection with any commercial site or studio. Certain studios, such as Sting pictures and ClubLads have kindly given permission for pictures and video stills to be posted here, but we do not receive any commission or “kickbacks” on account of that.
    I strongly believe that when material produced by an independent studio is posted on a blog such as this, that studio should be credited. and it is only fair to do so, it is the who did the hard work and paid the actors.
    On a more selfish note, I have no wish for this blog, which I, Spankfan, SoupGoblin and Bruce have put a lot of work into, to be arbitrarily deleted by Google on account of a copyright complaint, which does happen.
    Everything posted here is free to view, nobody is obliged to visit the commercial studios I link to or buy their products. However, we all have a vested interest in them remaining viable and profitable enterprises which continue to produce videos and pictures which we all enjoy.

  • Locker room Spanking

    Another scene from the Spanking Master 1 by Filmco – If anyone knows whether the Spanking Master series is still available, let me know and I will post a link. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they remade this series in 2008 high definition!!

    The young man on the receiving end of the spanking worked under the unfortunate screen name of Kelly Dead. Kelly got top billing, however, in my view the undoubted star of The Spanking Master 1 was Chris Todd.

  • Unlucky Jeff

    This is Jeff, a rather cute young man who is on the receiving end of a number of severe spankings.

    Unfortunately, the person doing the spanking is Jeff’s wife. Therefore the picture stories have been posted to the new back up blog JockSpank 11 under the title “When Husbands misbehave”, those who enjoy F/M spanking or who are not offended by the subject can view them by clicking here.

    Those offended by F/M spanking pictures should not proceed.

  • The Bully

    In The Bully, young David is tormented by the school bully, who, regularly gets him into trouble resulting in poor David receiving a spanking. However, what goes around comes around and soon it is the bully himself who is experiencing the sting of first the gym shoe and later the headmaster’s cane, right where it does the most good.

    From: StingPictures.TV