Nice yaoi-esque stuff. I’ve not encountered this artist before. I like!
The artist is Bazz
One good use for a cricket bat (actually the ONLY good use, as far as I am concerned).
– Strictop (m_SPANK_m)
(Coming Soon from Sting) St Datchet’s Academy – The Epilogue
The next Sting Download will be the final instalment of the St Datchets saga which started with Gray Shorts, and will tie some loose ends and reacquaint us with some warmly remembered friends. Including previously unreleased footage shot in England prior to Sting’s move to Prague, and also English lads who have recently visited Stings new studio, this download will be a delight for fans of the original British cast as well as the new Prague based actors.
St Datchets Academy – the Epilogue stars British actors Ginger, Brett Stevens, Matt Mills, Barry and Vex together with popular Czech lads Sebastian, Alistair, Lee and Rowan Hunter and a lot of birches, slippers and canes thrown in for good measure.
Photoshopped by Mark
Some more of the one and only Mark’s excellent photoshopping and wicked sense of humor.Welcome back Mark, you’ve been away too long!
Teacher and the Bad Boys – Part 4
Zendo’s bare butt spanking continues
Dudes Abused
Two dudes getting abused until they are very sore indeed at
AbusedDude.comTickling, spanking, bondage and abuse
Teacher and the Bad Boys – Part 3
Young teacher Viktor continues to show the naughty boys who is boss
More images from Discipline Diary 1900 by Sting – Part 2
More smoking hot images from
Discipline Diary 1900An old leg injury is troubling the colonel so he leaves senior boy Passmore (Dexter) to deal with young Daniel Smith (Jared Brookes)
Discipline Diary 1900 downloadThere is a link to Sting’s 18.usc.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog
More images from Discipline Diary 1900 by Sting – Part 1
Some screen grabs from Sting’s latest download set in Edwardian England at the Carnfield Institute for wayward youths
“Discipline Diary 1900“.to be continued
Discipline Diary 1900 downloadThere is a link to Sting’s 18.usc.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog