• Strapping Matt – Part 2

    Posted on by Ward
    The second set of pictures from Sting’s special length download “Discipline Down(load) Under” in which Matt Masterson (played by Matt Mills) gets a good hard strapping for playing truant. Now Matt’s tight white pants come down, and the second half of the strapping will be on his very ternder bare behind!!!

    Matt attempts to protect his bottom

    But he’s out of luck!

    THE END!

    Click here to view part 1


    Spank Matt to Visit www.stingpictures.tv

    Discipline Down(Load) Under – Download

    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age/record keeping statement in the right hand column of this blog

  • Spanking Brett Stevens – an Update

    Posted on by Ward

    Sting star Brett has added some new sets of spanking photos of himself and fellow sting actor David (plus Dr. Barton) to his store at Images4Sale and the site has now been approved for credit card purchases.  Here is the Direct Link – Brett Stevens Images4Sale.

    Brett gets the cane
    I understand that Brett may be offering video clips at some point in the future 

  • YGF Daniel takes a spanking

    Posted on by Ward
    YGF was a German based studio, which sadly closed down a number of years ago, hence, I am unable to provide much information about it.  If any of you JockSpankers can tell us more please leave a comment or write to me at wardcoleman@gmail.com.
    Here, one of YGF’s regular young actors, Daniel, takes a spanking

  • Strapping Matt – Part 1

    Posted on by Ward

    Matt Mills returns to his role as Matt Masterson in Discipline Down(load) Under, the first of the Sting special Length downloads. And pays the penalty for playing truant, by taking a very painful strapping, starting across the seat of his tight white shorts

    He felt that!!

    Right Masterson, its time to take those shorts down

    TO BE CONTINUED …………………


    Spank Matt’s bottom to go to the Sting site

    Discipline Down(Load) Under – Download

    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age/record keeping statement in the right hand column of this blog

  • The Athlete – JockSpank Movie Review

    Posted on by Ward

    Fans of ManSpank will not be disappointed with “The Athlete”, it has all the ingredients which we have come to expect from this upcoming Mancunian studio.  A domestic situation, a strict disciplinarian father and a misbehaving son who receives some serious butt punishment, which he wont forget in a long while.  With the redoubtable Stuart playing “Dad” that last part, of course, is a given.

    The naughty lad in this story is Andy, a slender young athlete who we fist meet when he returns home from school.  He calls out to check if his father is home, and when the young rascal finds he is alone swiftly retrieves a cigarette and lighter which he has secreted in his sock.  Lighting up he begins to enjoy his secret cigarette, while attempting to blow the incriminating smoke out of the window.

    Unluckily for Andy he only has time to gulp down a couple of mouthfuls of forbidden smoke before  dad returns home, his blood-hound like nose detecting the noxious fumes within seconds.

    Confronted by an angry father, Andy at first attempts to deny what he was doing, and then seeks to blame his “mate” who he says gave him the cigarettes, whining “they are all doing it!!”

    “But you’re an athlete!” storms Dad “You are supposed to stay fit!” 

    “I’m Sorry!” stammers Andy “You damn well will be sorry” bellows Dad, grabbing Andy by the ear  and dragging him into the family room.

    As the miserable Andy waits, Dad marches off to retrieve his slipper.

    As soon as he returns Andy is thrown over Dads knee and within seconds, Dad’s slipper is engaged in an all out assault on the seat of his unhappy son’s pants.  

    Whack! Whack! Thwack! Whack! again  and again the stinging slipper makes painful contact with the thin layer of material the only protection covering Andy’s tender young bottom.  Dad’s piston like arm acting like some highly  oiled piece of machinery relentlessly pounding its target.

    Finally there is a brief pause in the action, when Dad orders Andy to change into his athletics uniform and drives him to practice, the words “I haven’t finished with you” echoing in the unhappy Andy’s ears.

     Upon their return, Any’s over the knee ordeal continues this time Dad starts with a hand spanking, However, as the hand in question is Stuart’s, it is a weapon every bit as devastating as the slipper.  This second spanking starts on the seat of Andy’s sports shorts, and then progresses to a bare bottom spanking.
    Finally, to reinforce the message, Dad rolls up his sleeves, grabs his slipper again, and proceeds to whack poor Andy’s bare behind as the lad soon starts howling with pain.
    Andy soon learns that In Dad’s home smoking can be very dangerous.
    This is another satisfying release from MacSpank, with all the features which its fans enjoy, including James’s mocking and probing camera, which, albeit occasionally restricted by furniture , is as professional and imaginative as ever.    And of course, in Stuart, MancSpank has one of the most intimidating and charismatic spankers that any studio around.  They are an impressive teams and only get better and better.

    MancSpank are looking for new locations in the Manchester, North West and North Wales are, if you have a home, barn, office or other property,  which you feel would be a suitable setting  for shooting a movie please contact MancSpank at  mancspankmodels@yahoo.co.uk   


  • 3 Million hits!

    Posted on by Ward
     Keep on smacking
    Last year on  May 1st 2010 I installed a new hit counter at JockSpank recording the number of individual visits to this blog. I didn’t check it on Sunday, but today May 3rd 2011 the count stands at 3,007,170.  3 Million hits in one year is a superb result for a special interest blog. That is over 8,200 hits a day!
    Thanks to all you loyal JockSpankers who keep visiting and making JockSpank such a busy and lively blog.

  • New From MancSpank – The Athlete Part 2 – Plus trailer

    Posted on by Ward
    The second set of pictures from MancSpank’s new release “The Athlete”

    Andy and his Dad Return from practice and, still in his uniform, Andy goes straight back over Dad’s knee for a hard spanking by hand. Andy starts pleading for it to stop but the slaps just keep coming. When Andy think it’s almost over, dad orders him to stand up and yanks his trousers down to finish the spanking off bare bottomed. Andy’s in pain and wants it to stop, but then dad has another surprise up his sleeve. To finish him off and make sure he’ll never smoke again, he gets more of the slipper but on the bare bottom this time. Smoking as an athlete just isn’t written in dad’s book!

    Video Trailer
     A JockSpank movie review of the Athlete will be posted tomorrow

  • New From MancSpank – The Athlete Part 1

    The Athlete from MancSpank features Andy who comes home from school and has some time before leaving for athletics practice. Dad’s not home so he goes into to kitchen for a quick cigarette out of the window. However, dad comes home early in order to can take Andy to practice but instead, finds his son in the kitchen smoking! As an athlete he shouldn’t be smoking and he gets one of dad’s boring lectures until he’s dragged over to the lounge to get the slipper on his trousers. Dad has to interrupt the punishment so he can take Andy to practice, but he warns his son it’s far from over! ………………

    TO BE CONTINUED…………………..