Foot and Butt Punishment: Roman JA
Roman JA (Caning + Strapping)
Roman is bad boy and is already in urgent need of a disciplinary punishment. The master, first punishes him with a short cane on the bare feet (bastinado), in the wheelbarrow position, and then after he strips, Roman receives a vigorous caning over the master’s knee. Then the master, continues to punish Roman with a leather belting on the bare feet, in the wheelbarrow position. Then Roman is belting, with the same belt, on the bare ass over the master’s knee.*
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Spanking Boys.EU : Patrik FR Flogging
Patrik urgently needs a disciplinary punishment, after being stripped naked, Patrik is severely punished with the Master’s leather belt and then spanked with a heavy hand, lying on the bed, while the master pulls his ear. Then the master continues to punish his guy with a leather strap, followed by a vigorous and painful spanking by hand, ever lying on the bed, while the master pulls his ear, putting yet more strain on poor Patrik’s endurance level.
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WARNING the content of this video is more severe than would usually appear on JockSpank
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BBFC: Terry Late
Terry is late and Teodor is far from happy. He has been waiting long enough to get the paddle ready to deal with the tardy lad. Once he comes in he is over the table and getting a paddling in short order.
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Spanking Straight Boys: Anger Management
Spanking Straight Boys: Anger Management
Hot straight boy Gil is back for another spanking. It’s been quite a while since Tom last spanked Gil, so he asks Gil how things have been going and if he’s been staying out of trouble. Gil reports that he’s been doing well. When Tom asks if he’s perfect, Gil admits having some anger issues that have caused him to lose his cool and damage his own property. Tom focuses in on these anger issues and tests Gil’s resolve to not become angry.
Tom straps Gil onto a spanking bench. It’s a humiliating position for a young straight man. It puts his body on display and emphasizes his submission.
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BBFC: Sergio Made a Mess
Sergio has had a shower and left the bathroom in a mess. This was found by Teodor and even before Sergio has had a chance to dress he is called in to pay the price for making a mess.
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