Paddle and Strap – At Bottom Line

Trespassers: Luke Paddle and Strap

Lieutenant Lin has finished punishing Aiden and Max when Commander Palaiologos arrives. The Commander is not amused with the breach of security and teaches the errant Lieutenant a thing or two about security with paddle and strap.


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Trespassers: Luke Paddle and Strap


Title 2257

One Response to Paddle and Strap – At Bottom Line

  1. Luke Liu’s ‘Lieut Lash’ luck was ludicrously short-lived, as his bright-new emergency-transition-management commander Hector Palaiologos, on an emergency-emerged excellency examples exchange program ‘Post-Pelosi Preparedness’ with informally allied Navies, ironically copying the PR’s currently-continuing corruption-crushing, caught the contraband-coverup-CP and concluded to corporally correct his ‘completely crooked corruption-coordinator‘ Confucianism-conforming, completely cutting-off civilians and condemning the corruption-contaminated crooks to close-to-continuous CP.
    The commander, as a Rockies cut-off countryside Canadian, having regretted all his career he couldn’t copy the copious CP that kept his clothless cur-cones crimson all his cursed country-youth, when his frightfully-firm farmhand father, farm foreman and further fucking ‘father figures’ on the field frequently has fearful filial fledglings for flaws or failures fetch fearsome fresh switches and seat-strip to suffer a sound series of scarlet-striping strokes, stirring shrill screams subsiding to satisfactorily-subdued sobbing, similar to the same squirts’ savagely-severe stripped-starkers sufferance of the sturdy strap indoors, when it was too cold for Sirs to leave, yet soundly-spanked striplings systematically supplicated sitting shortly in the somewhat-scorpion-sting-soothing snow, still-starkers and smugly-snickering-sadistic-Sirs-sighted.
    Sending servicemen for switches seems scarcely-suitable, so smirking Sir smugly substitutes those with the hickory holed ‘hell week’ paddle he first suffered and later wielded on the bare in Naval Academy, hence most fitting for ‘supplementary staff training’. First of all, he’ll lay-on both butt-blisterers lavishly on all involved in the seafood-scam, starkers, starting with Liu, then ‘single dozen samples’ of each for all men dropping dacks in general assembly, first all officers under his harsh hand, then their men under theirs, and finally impose a standard system of ‘spanking hierarchically’: whenever a serviceman is caught (also in case of reasonable doubt), he will get it good on the bare, then his direct superior from his, and so-on up to XO Liu, whose abjectly-always-agony-available arse will soon look more familiar all-on-ankles to Sir than any other organic object on base.
    Still, Luke feels ‘a little’ lucky, for the CO will often be out on inspections, also aboard ships, when Sir takes the hickory along, and leaves the strap in HQ for Liu to wield, the bottom-burning buck then stopping at the third in command, who since hates only one thing more than CO leaving: XO calling helplessly-he-hood-heeded sorry ass-arse in, for lots of leathering, as Luke is luckily getting really good at timing thrashings by control-schedule.
    Sassily, all men on base wonder what will happen if Hector fails to avoid an admiral’s visit, probably inquiring about the crucial corruption-countermeasures, and maybe making the buck stop at the CO’s bare behind, reputed a keen Confucian caner and rumoured to consider moving his office to the base? Actually, liaison Luke has won the admiral’s confidence, so if HQ moves here, Liu may probably become bosun at last, giving all men -even Hector- as good as he gets from the admiral on the bare, only far moreoften – a marvellous turn of luck for Luke lurking?