Oh Brother – The Movie (Video trailer)

Here are some more images and the trailer for the latest Sting download
 “Oh Brother – the Movie”

Scroll down for an announcement from Sting and some customer comments


Video trailer
Message from Sting

Sting Pictures have announced that for the foreseeable future Oh Brother is the last of the feature film style productions. Future stories are now more likely to be series based to then be released as a DVD length movie. Additionally all stories on a particular theme from past productions will be made available and pressed in the DVD format. More news about this soon…

Here are a selection of comments from people who have viewed this download
I have watched this twice already and I really want to say that Sting have been very generous to their fans, and fools to themselves. They could easily have released this as four or even five different 15 to 20 minute stories and charged three to  four times as much as they have done. the sections featuring first Dexter and Darren and later with Mike Cross and various boys would make two very satisfying downloads on their own.  The scenes with Aaron and Luke Radley would be at least a long Sting Raw, and the scenes with Marco, Pavel, Damien Drake and Jay Faith would make two average sized downloads. Not only is it a great movie but its a great bargain!

You will love the bathbrush scene with Jimmy Evans, especially the ending, but I won’t give that away


After looking at the pics (thank you Bruce) I bought the movie this morning. All I can say is OMG! The amount of effort (and the amount of boys) that went into this production is incredible. This is an epic spanking film and no doubt will be a classic which will be talked about for years to come. Everything is about as perfect as can be. Do not even attempt to watch this brilliant video if you don’t have enough Kleenex at home. You may drown! “Oh Brother” pushed buttons I didn’t even know I had. I have to go and lie down now, I’m exhausted. Simply an awesome effort and well worth every penny.


My long term favorite, Darren, looks incredible, as usual.  There is a mesmerising section where Dexter spanks Darren then beats him with a belt before forcing him to give him a blow job, while still spanking his butt. Mike Cross does something the same with two other boys, before gettingwell spanked himself. One of Sting’s best, which is saying something    (Buy lots of Kleenex before watching)


I agree with everyone. This is one of the best Sting releases ever. There’s something for everyone; big beefy guys getting and giving spankings and cute, younger looking guys getting it, too. The quality is amazing. Great photography, lighting, sets, etc. But most important; a bunch of super hot models. Highly, highly recommended.

Oh brother is incredible, multiple hard spankings and some sex scenes which even the purists will approve of.  I highly recommend it. Darren looks fantastic, and there is Aaron for the twink lovers and Mike Cross for those who like to see a hunk getting it.


A Richard O’Shea film

10 Responses to Oh Brother – The Movie (Video trailer)

  1. Trailer looks awesome! For those who have seen the whole movie, do any of the young guys get an erection during the spanking? Just wondering. Thanks!

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Lets see sank different! Please ie maybe not all dressed up etc too themed!

  3. Sting never stop doing your themed movies otherwise there really will be nothing different!

  4. To “the person” who’s comments were not approved, Chill please. People are fully entitled to disagree with you without being abused and called names.

    I do not enjoy rejecting comments, but if you keep on doing this I have no option.

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:


    Does Damien Drake have any sex scenes in Sting movies and if so which one(s)?


  6. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    thank you Bruce!

  7. I have only just found this website and it is fantastic.