One Response to More Spanking Christmas Cheer from Franco

  1. [NAUGHTY AND NICE – Fastifex] Model-son Nico, nice all year, named after St.Nicholas, never minds on their birthday getting a mild OTK spanking boxers-only from sweet Santa for staying up when the wrapped presents are delivered, because he may then take a seat for an early unwrapping, which is his favourite show of the year: bad big brother Bruno, the bratty naughty knave who gets away with anything all year as daddy dear only halves his allowance, which theoretical sanction by now would last for centuries, after the same spanking gets it from stern, scolding Santa on the bare, about all night long, woefully-well warmed-up by hand, then whaling wretchedly-wriggling when wickedly whooped with every implement Nico keeps fetching faithfully and festively every hour, and as old Nick tires within twenty minutes, deputizes Nico for the rest of that attribute hour to give Bruno what the brat so richly deserves and desperately needs, for the sole check on his misbehaviour is that only being nice in one sense can spare him an appropriate implement, like the ruler for faulty timeliness, but(t) he always fails in more than enough for Nico to fetch and festively flail fraternal fanny till dawn!