Justin’s Just Deserts

New from CP4Men: Dad has grounded Justin for a month for signing and sending back his school report card without his father seeing it! After spending only 5 minutes in his room he has a better idea to put forward to Dad. Why not spank him for what he had done and that way he could continue his social life and meeting friends. So Dad worked out a deal with him that he would be spanked every wednesday night for a month.

Week one is over the knee. 

Week two is in the hanging position. 
Week Three Justin thought he had got away with it because Dad had not come in so he went to bed-this time its there slipper!

Week Four and a final over the knee spanking gets Justin swearing rather badly so dad sends him for Mums hairbrush! 


More images from “Justin’s Just Deserts” will be posted tomorrow

One Response to Justin’s Just Deserts

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I’m glad your blog is back after all this is where we find all out updates of the latest clips that ate out there I think every spanking studio should be part of Jovkspank I mean a lot of mms planking blogs have gone so without this blog it’s very limited to blogs etc 🙂 hope it don’t happen again google…..