Jonathon’s Tears

 Jonathon gets caught smoking and ends up a very sore boy!  This is how JustMagic describes this clip:

Jonathon tries to be clever and hides the still smoking ashtray when I enter the room. I can definitely smell the smoke though. Jonathon knows I do not permit smoking in the house. To make matters worse he even denies having smoked. That was the straw that broke the camels back. After a few hard face slaps I put him over my knee and give his bottom what it was made for. Spanking his jeans was getting nowhere so they came down and pulling his grey underpants almost into a wedgie I spank the top of his thighs and his by now glowing, smooth bare naked buttocks. When I order him to give me his belt he knew that I was being serious. I lash him the belt hard until his gorgeous globes start to scuff. His promising never to do it again does not impress me in the slightest and I beat him until the tears are rolling down his face. Jonathon realises he has disappointed me terribly and says he will never smoke again. I certainly hope so, I never want to have to met out a punishment like that ever again!

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8 Responses to Jonathon’s Tears

  1. Avatar Clansmanchris
    Clansmanchris says:

    Bravo! Encore!

    An awesome – or should one say some warm arse – clip! Jonathon is a very pretty boi, and certainly deserved all he received of my favourite toy/weapon of arse-correction, i.e., the belt! It is only a pity he didn’t receive a few strokes across his lovely little leggies (aka thighs) too … but, I suspect, there will always be another time as pretty boyz are almost certainly nortie bois, who need to be spanked boys!

    Love and hugs, kisses and spanks from me, to the boy!

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    jonathon is HOT!

  3. poor kid 🙁 getting smacked in the face hurts!!

  4. how mean! that pretty face shouldnt get slapped 🙁 i wanted to hug him after that!

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      Jimbar —-Forget about his beautiful face .Work on his hide .Give him a hiding he won’t forget he needs it and deserves it .A good ass whipping is part of his future

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Anonymous — let’s not fool around with this young man .He got all of you conned He may be a good looking dude but he needs not only a slap in the face but he needs a good Ass whipping with out doubt .So say lets give him the whipping he deserves and it should be without Mercy I believe a combination of the Strap and paddle would teach him the lesson he need to learn

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      Jimbar –I agree with anonymous we know what needs so let’s give it to him what are we waiting for

  6. Aww, I feel so sorry for him – even after his punishment and apology it seems that he’s still not forgiven 🙁