Jonathon The Slut

When the cat is away the naughty mice like to play, and what naughtier mouse is there than bad boy Jonathon? As soon as the young rascal discovered his strict father would be home later due to a business meeting he decided this was the perfect opportunity to get up to some rather kinky mischief.

Once father is safely at the airport, the naughty lad hurries to a local shop and, ignoring quizzical glances from other customers, proceeds to buy women’s underwear and make up, which he then takes home, planning to experiment with one of the new fetishes he had discovered on one of the filthy websites he clandestinely visits from the secrecy of his bedroom at night.
Although Jonathon is straight, he has reached that point where his young body is exploring new ideas and new sensations whilst his mind is predominantly obsessed with sex and constantly searching for new sexual experiences.

His latest discovery had been a website focusing on cross dressing and he planned to try this new kink out while he father was away.

Once he gets home Jonathon heads for the bathroom where he strips naked and begins applying make up before trying on first pantyhose and then lacy white knickers. While doing so he begins to touch and manipulate his large and quiveringly youthful cock which instantly stiffens into erect attention.
  Unlucky for Jonathon his fun is about to come to a sudden and painful ending.

 His father’s business partner had called off the meeting at the last moment, so Dad has now time to come home. He returns and catches his son engaged in what he views as disgusting and perverted activity. Father is furious and Jonathon is in big trouble.
Naturally, after being ordered to take a shower, our young hero soon finds himself in a very familiar position, across his father’s knees with his upturned young bottom forming a very tempting target for the older man’s firm hand.

After first being soundly spanked on the seat of his underpants, Jonathon suffers the humiliation of then being spanked whilst wearing the lacy white knickers he bought earlier.

However, finally even that skimpy layer of protection is removed, and the leather like palm of father’s hand, followed by his belt, is forcibly applied the to the young man’s increasingly tender and very bare behind.

After his brief experiment with cross dressing, Jonathan discovers that, although they say pink is for a girl, it can also be the blushing colour of a very sore and well spanked bad boy’s naked and tender bottom.


5 Responses to Jonathon The Slut

  1. I prefer boys to be boys and not girls but this is wonderful.
    Johnathan is just so sexy…

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    An exorbitant clip. Jonathon wearing lacy knickers was a kick for me. The build up was exciting and the resulting spanking just perfect.

  3. I wish Jonathon had discovered a more msculine experience or fetish. It might be fun if he was to discover watersports for examaple 😉

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I think it is time to have a Saturday spankables dedicated to jonathon just posing in some sexy outfits thongs jockstaps and bare ass showing.

  5. Not his scene 🙂