Jamie – “Wait Till Your Father Gets Home!”

From Brett Stevens: Young Jamie has been getting into more trouble, skipping college and smoking pot. His Dad has been summoned into a meeting with the college principal and has been told that Jamie has one last chance to sort himself out or he gets expelled.

His Dad has given up trying to reason with Jamie so decides that the only thing left is some no nonesense home discipline. Jamie has been told to wait in his room for his father to return home from work. Jamie knows that at 5 O’Clock he has to undress and lie on the bed and wait for his Dad to come in. He knows he is going to get it bad and is feeling very sorry for himself indeed!
Jamie had no idea how bad it was going to be! His Dad walks into the room, takes his belt off and proceeds to lash the naughty lads bare bottom. This is not like anything Jamie has had before. It seems to last for ever and the belt keeps on coming, fast and furious! Jamie has no choice but to just lie there and take it!

This scene was shot using two cameras with one camera fixed on Jamie’s face capturing his very real reactions! So if you enjoy seeing a lad react to his punishment then this clip is for you! The second cam picked up the belt lashing Jamie’s backside. What you are seeing here is a proper belting, no effects, real home punishment and real reactions!
………………….More from Brett
This is my second version of this theme and style. The original Wait Till Your Father Home featured myself getting belted and was a runaway success! The fixed face cam was a hit! This time I was keen to get behind the camera. Jamie had never been belted before and we had no idea how he would get on. Wow! What a star! He took a harder punishment than I ever expected and for twice as long as I intended to film! I just know you are gonna love this clip and love Jamie!
You can also see more of Jamie, this time getting an OTK spanking in his other clip CollegeTruant Spanked.


Spank Brett’s bare bottom to visit

One Response to Jamie – “Wait Till Your Father Gets Home!”

  1. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Willfully watching wickedly-well-wielded-whipping workingover waywardness we warmly welcome worshipfully wailing whippersnapper-woe without wooing wise wipper’s ways!
    Jamie’s angelic frailty makes a most convincing, dramatic spankee, cute as a button, balls-baring before being blazingly-both-bad-boy-buttocks-bark-blistered by bitterly-bitting-belt beautifully, bountifully, bound the better boyish behavior brilliantly-bloodily!