Information Request

Is anyone able to identify the origin of this picture from today’s Saturday Spankables. It turned up on a random internet site, but we believe it may be from a film. Can anyone identify it, and let us know if the film is still available. Please lease any answers in the Comments section below. Thank you


3 Responses to Information Request

  1. Avatar Michael Eaton
    Michael Eaton says:

    not 100% but the beautiful blond is English boy called peachyboy on twitter and he likes being spanked as you will see if you check his profile

    • Thanks Michael
      How could I not have recognized the Peach!! I suppose it was unusually for him, his bottom isn’t bare!! LOL I wonder what film it is though, it doesn’t look like something made for OnlyFans


  2. Seems likely to be this, but I’ve not seen it personally, so can’t be sure.