David’d Dream

David is fed up of always getting spanked by Barry. However in David’s Dream the roles are reversed and David is delighted to find Barry in his power. Soon Barry is stripped naked and over David’s knee getting soundly spanked. 
Unfortunately for David, things can go wrong when you eat cheese last thing at night – your dreams can turn into nightmares…!!

 In David’s dream he gets to spank Barry …

 David is really enjoying spanking Barry for a change….. when..
 Suddenly everything changes, and David is back over Barry’s knee

 A piece of peeled ginger will add to David’s discomfort….
 Especially where Barry plan’s to stick it!


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4 Responses to David’d Dream

  1. Seeing Barry in his socks so hot wish there was HQ pics.

  2. No no let my favourite David spank my second Barry. God I want to rim them both

  3. what is the ginger for? is it just like a butt plug?