CP4Men: A Spanking or Detention? – Featuring Joey!

CP4Men: A Spanking or Detention? Featuring Joey!

Joey doesn’t like the idea of detention so he asks the detention teacher for an alternative punishment. The option is a good old fashion over the knee spanking. Joey accepts the offer and goes over his knee when he gets up from being spanked on his trousers he thinks its all over but he his shocked to learn from the teacher that he’d only just begun!




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2 Responses to CP4Men: A Spanking or Detention? – Featuring Joey!

  1. Avatar Satchelkid
    Satchelkid says:

    Can you tell me where you get those school socks from as I’d like to buy a pair.

    • I am afraid you will have quite a journey, CP4men tell me they were purchased in Australia some years ago and were from the Sydney Grammar School for Boys