The Brothers – The Movie
Part 3 of 3
The strict disciplinary regime at Innisfail Industrial School continues to have a stinging impact on the youthful inmates and trainees, as three more of the young brothers experience the firm hand of this unsparing institution.
As a trainee teacher, Brother Brendan (Travis McKinnon) is used to providing both spiritual and physical guidance to his young charges. However, when he also steps out of line he finds himself being treated no differently than one of the younger boys.
This means going over one of the senior brother’s knees for a hard bare bottom spanking. Before bending to receive a stinging dose of the cane.
Brother Brendan will be giving lessons standing up for the rest of the day!
Collection money has been disappearing, and handsome Brother Joshua (Joey Whyte) is is soon identified as the culprit.
As penance for his sins the hunky young priest is strapped naked to the punishment bench and soundly whipped by both Brother Marco and the senior Brother, who take turns in punishing the youthful thief.
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