• Category Archives Straight Lads Spanked
  • Liam – Bubble Bath Blues

    Liam can’t seem to control his temper and one again has been giving his mother cheek!  Well his Dad has had enough of his behaviour and decides it’s time for some proper punishment!

    Armed with a wooden kitchen utensil, Dad decides to punish his moody son after a hot bubble bath when it will sting even more.  Liam gets dragged over his fathers knee and this straight young man has his bare bottom soundly spanked.

    Dad does not go easy and the spanking is continuous for nearly 15 mins!

    Liam is left with a very sore, red bottom!

    More from Producer Dave:  This movie stemmed from a fan making a comment that they would like to see a movie where there is less breaks in the spanking and whilst the spanker is talking and scolding and to see more of a continuous punishment. So this is what I set out to do. Also Liam and I had an agreement that we would not stop the spanking once we got started as I wanted to capture on film the very real reactions of a very real, long hard spanking. I hope you think the efforts were worth it!”

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  • Straight Lads Spanked: Wayne “Wait Till Your Father Gets Home”

    Straight Lads Spanked:  Wayne has got into trouble. Caught smoking weed at college! His father is furious and Wayne is give that dreaded command. 

    “Go home to your bedroom and wait for me to get home!”

    Wayne deserves a proper punishment and in this case is a bare bottom belting! His father does not hold back and you can see his bottom change colour to bright red as the belt lashes keep on coming!

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  • Straight Lads Spanked: Parker – Bubble Bath Blues

    Straight Lads Spanked: Parker is a rather arrogant young man. Cocky and thinks the world revolves around himself. possibly even a bit of a bully.

    Parker comes home from work and like to relax in a warm bubble bath with the music on LOUD!  The neighbours who have young children have complained but Parker doesn’t care!

    Parker’s Dad cares though and he has had enough! So for the first time in his 22 year old life, Parker finds himself getting a good old fashioned spanking and slippering from his very angry father!

    You can tell how angry his father is as Parker’s bottom turns a shade of scarlet as the spanks come down harder and harder!

    My guess is that, for once, the neighbours enjoyed the noise they heard coming from Parker’s bedroom, but I don’t think Parker will be playing his music loudly again!

    The End

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  • Straight Lads Spanked – Brother In Charge – Part Four (Andy and Oliver)

    Oliver and his Dad are having a nice quiet night in. Mum is away so the guys decide to order some take-away and have a few drinks. ​​G​ood, quality, Father & Son time!

    ​The peaceful night in is soon ruined by a ferocious knocking at the door!

    ​ ​
    Dad goes to see what all the noise is about and encounters a very angry Andy Lee!
    Andy has discovered that Oliver was involved in selling the ‘gear’ with his younger brother Dan and he is not happy.
    Oliver tries to protest his innocence
    But nobody is fooled
    What happens next is Oliver’s biggest nightmare.

    Total Humiliation


    A Very Sore Bottom!

    More from producer Dave.​Well when I first made Brother in Charge Part One I never dreamed that we would end up with a fourth part. I love how these movies have a life of their own.

    The main thing to tell you about this one, was how difficult it was for Oliver! He has had worse spankings in his time, but this was just total humiliation. Having to show respect to Andy and get spanked by him in front of myself was really difficult. In fact at one point I really thought Oliver would not go through with it.

    So of course, what we end up with are some delightfully real, awkward, embarrassing squirming moments from Oliver that we know are 100% genuine!


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  • Straight Lads Spanked – Dan’s Birthday Spanking

    Dan Lee has just turned 19! After a year working away overseas Dan has returned to Straight Lads Spanked and this time he is on his own. There are no sign of his big brothers.

    This movie starts off with an interview with Producer Dave &  Dan to find out what he has been up to.  Then it is time for Dan’s birthday spanking. Dan really did struggle with the pain of the spanking when he was last  here a year ago so he is given the option of the easy or the hard spanking!

    Brave Dan chooses the hard version! continue reading

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  • Spanking Competition – Part One Adam and Wayne

    Posted on by Ward
    Adam and Wayne, the first competitors in Spanking Competition

    This is the start of a new series of spanking competitions between the lads, starting off with real life best friends Adam & Wayne. There is an interview with the lads at the beginning which is really funny. Their close friendship and easy going nature is a joy to watch!

    So how does the Spanking Competition work? Easy! Each lad has 30 seconds to spank their friend as hard as they can.10 Seconds to swap positions Then the other lad has 30 seconds to get his revenge.

    This continues until one lad gives up!

    Why would the lads do this? Well simply to earn some cash. The winner walks away with double the money. The winner also gets to play in the next round with another lad and will continue until he is beaten!

    There is also a humiliating twist for the loser at the end!

    Two (very red) ends

    More from SLS producer Dave! “”First of all don’t panic! This series is not going to be the new direction of Straight Lads Spanked. There will still be a good mix of Mr X, Dad, Uncle Andrew and whatever else I think up! However, I for one love seeing the lads in these natural settings where you get to see their true characters come true and lets face it, what can be hotter than seeing two, straight best friends spanking each other bare ass.

    If you have seen this video, and leave a comment, please do not reveal who the winner (and loser) is  

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  • Straight Lads Spanked – Spanked Duos

    Posted on by Ward
    Spanking at the double!! – two recent updates at Straight Lads Spanked featuring two lads getting spanked by Mr X

    Andy & Ryan – Caught In Girls Changing Rooms

    Andy Lee & Ryan

    Andy Lee will never learn from his past mistakes it seems!Rather than just going to the gym and working out like most other lads, Andy has to get up to mischief. He was caught once again in the girls changing rooms. This time he involved his gym buddy Ryan.

    22 year old straight lad has never been is serious trouble before. Ryan has never been sent to visit Mr X before! Ryan is about to receive his first ever spanking!

    Andy and Ryan argue over who is to blame. All mr X is interested in though is dishing out the appropriate punishment. These two men are made to gradually strip naked in front of each other and watch as the other receives a hard hand spanking!

    As it is Andy Lee’s second visit he also gets a taste of the belt too! Two straight lads, humiliated, shames, spanked, sorry & sore! 

     Paddle Dare – Part Three – Andy Lee & Jay
    So after both lads have received their spanking, it’s time for their caning!

    Mr X is furious with the guys and he does not go easy on them. They both receive 12 hard strokes from the cane. What makes it worse is that the other lad has to stand and watch his friend receive the painful caning.

    Both Andy and Jay end up with sore, striped bottoms!

    This movie follows on directly from Paddle Dare – Part Two. You can still download Part One, for free here!

    “”More from Producer Dave…. I don’t really have much to add about this movie other than to say that neither Andy or Jay can deal with the cane very well. Andy has got better but Jay genuinely really struggles. Every reaction you see from him, the screams the jumping were 100% genuine. The sweat dripping off both lads also shows how intense it really was. I was actually doubtful whether Jay would actually got through with the final six strokes and if it was not for the fact that Andy did, he would have probably refused!”

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  • Coach Rules Hard – Staring Baley and Dom (Straight Lads Spanked)

    Posted on by Ward
     Coach Bailey is back! and he is tougher, stricter and meaner than ever!
    The swimming team is not doing so well. Coach Bailey seems to be looking for someone to blame and finds him in young Dom who gets summoned to the coaches office to answer to a list of offences. 


    Some might say that Dom’ crimes are trivial and that Coach Bailey is being extra mean. Has the power gone to Coach Bailey’s head?
    Before he knows what is happening Dom is upended over Coach Bailey’s knee ..

    Despite Dom’s protests he gets spanked very hard indeed with Bailey using his full strength! – first on the seat of his blue jeans.

    Then his underwear

    Then his bare bottom

    Dom’s tender bottom gets redder and redder as Coach Bailey’s hand continues to pound down on his youthful flesh

    Coach’s anger has not cooled ..
    Next the wooden paddle makes an appearance and Dom’s bottom faces the full brunt of it and the marks left are clear for everyone to see!

    Dom will not be sitting comfortably for some time!

    Some may think Dom didn’t deserve such a severe punishment and that justice had not been done … we shall see!

    More from Producer Dave, Well first of all I am delighted to welcome back Bailey. It was awesome to have him return to filming. I always had a storyline for Bailey that followed on from movies like “The Consequences of Cheating” and for a while I never thought I was going to be able to continue it. In some ways this movie slightly breaks my normal rules with regards to my code of ethics whenever I make a Straight Lads Spanked movie and I will blog more about that later….

    All I will say is this. The story is not yet complete!””

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  • Straight Lads Spanked: Patrick – Wait Till Your Father Gets Home

    Posted on by Ward

    Patrick has been sent to live with his Uncle. With his own father no longer around, his brother Andy was struggling to keep Patrick under control so sent him to live with his Uncle Dave In less than one week Patrick has manged to get arrested for having a drunken fight in a pub.

    Uncle Dave knows what Patrick’s father would have done if he was still around so decides to take matters into his own hands. Patrick gets a taste of the belt!

    This young straight lad faces the humiliation of stripping naked and getting his bottom whipped by Uncle Dave’s belt. 

    The punishment is hard and Patrick’s cheeks soon turn from a pale white to bright red. You can see the red stripes building as the belt leaves its mark.

    Patrick is left very sore and sorry!

    “”More from Producer Dave…..Well even though this movie is not officially part of the Real Punishment Series, in a way it kind of is. The story about Patrick getting arrested for fighting really happened and in fact he missed a film shoot because of it. You can read more about that here and watch a free video interview here!

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  • Straight Lads Spanked – Harry – Chinese Birch – 36 lashes

    Posted on by Ward
     Harry – Chinese Birch – 36 Lashes
    Harry is facing some strong punishment! Harry is resigned to his fate!

    Harry assumes the position! Harry is facing 36 lashes from the Chinese Birch

    12 over his jeans – 12 over his underwear – 12 over his bare bottom

    The different camera angles capture every moment of Harry’s discomfort as the birch hits its mark!

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