Pictures from Sting Pictures latest release. links are provided below for the convenience of visitors, and to respect Spanking Central’s intellectual ownership.
Stop Thief is the first movie by Sting’s new South African film crew in training. Basically it’s the story of young gardener Pieter (Riaan de Bruin) who feels he’s not getting paid enough and decides to pilfer some goods from the house.
Things come to a head when he is caught by his employer Martin. Told in a letter to a friend Marin describes what happened and how he dealt with Pieter.
The first event was not actually theft but Pieter not getting on with his work and smoking weed near to the neighbour’s property. This would be very frowned upon and he has been told many times before.
Martin decides that if Pieter doesn’t want to lose his job then he’ll have to take a good caning.
Bent over the armchair Pieter winces and yelps as the heavy rattan cuts painfully in to his backside. His pants are still up but when they come down, as they will surely do, he’s really going to feel it.
Now sent to stand in the corner to think about what he’s been up to Pieter spies Martin’s wallet left on the side. Martin has gone upstairs to change and seizing his chance Pieter swipes some cash from the wallet.
Unfortunately Martin quickly spots what been going on and young Pieter is back over the chair to finish the caning session good and proper. Pieter’s bare backside is scorching, the burning stripes of the rattan raising painful welts on the young lad’s defenceless bottom.
A few days later thinking Martin has gone out Pieter try’s again to pilfer some goods.
His luck definitely isn’t in and he’s caught red handed.
This time a good hard, over the knee, bare bottom spanking is laid on and the original cane stripes, not quite eased away, are brought back to life.
Spanking is fine to start with but now bent over a chair its Martins thick leather belt that’s laying on the raw discipline. Cracking in to Pieter’s freshly spanked bare bottom, the leather licking painfully in to the lad’s burning and reddened cheeks, Martin lectures the boy soundly that thieving has really got to stop!

Introducing South African Sting Lad Riaan de Bruin as Pieter
Links provided out of respect for Sting’s intellectual property rights
In three definition levels