- Category Archives Male Spanking
Spanking Straight Boys: Ike’s First Spanking (Part 2)
Spanking Straight Boys: Ike’s First Spanking (Part 2)
Having only been 18 for a couple of weeks, Ike is the youngest model Tom has ever shot. Before today, he had never done any sort of adult work and had never been touched by a man.
This is the conclusion of Ike’s First Spanking. It’s already been quite an experience for young Ike. For some reason, he had been expecting a light and playful spanking. Tom has no idea what gave him that idea as he never does light and playful spankings.
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BBFC: Sleepy Kiran
Kiran is lazing away the afternoon, and like a lot of lads he keeps a Tshirt on with no boxers, makes you wonder what else he has been up to? Laying there on the bed blissfully chilling, although not all of him is relaxed looking at him. But the point is he should be there, dressed or not, he should be working around the place.
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CP4Men: My First Spanking Featuring Rafael
CP4Men: My First Spanking Featuring Rafael
Rafael has never been spanked before and was eager to find out what is was like. we start on jeans then underwear then bare leading up to a nice red bum. Rafael will be back later this year for some more discipline!*
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Saturday Spankables
Enjoy your weekend and the
Thanks to Rich O’Shea from Sting for the first set of spankable bottoms**
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BBFC: Paco Morning
Teodor runs a tight ship but he is a nice guy. He always makes the early morning coffee for any lad that has stayed over. But when he calls them to get up he expects them to do just that. Paco makes the mistake of staying in bed and ignoring the calls for coffee.
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Landlord Spank: Drinking – At Bottom Line
Aiden and Alex are renting a house near their college and have been enjoying more than a few drinks. This does not sit well with their landlord, Mr. Palaiologos.
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BBFC: Taavi Caught Napping
Taavi is not only skiving off, he is having a sleep as well, and some dreams by the look of it. He is blissfully happy and chilling out for the afternoon. But it’s not what he is supposed to be doing and when Teodor comes in and finds him there he is not a happy man.
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