- Category Archives Instruments of Persuasion
These images were previously posted to the Feel the Sting blogReleased by Sting in 2007, Instruments of Persuasion (Part 2) examines some of the more exotic and unusual implements used to punish miscreant youths. This posting shows images from scenes focusing on Instruments of Persuasion from two different corners of the earth, starting with the French Martinet.One of the earlier scenes in IOP II features David as a naughty young “garçon” receiving a sound thrashing with the stinging Martinet, in a period story set in 19th Century France.Back in the present day, and in a later scene on a visit to the Far East, Vex, falls foul of the local laws and is sentenced to a flogging with the triple rod sting of the cruel Triad CaneLeaving the bad lad with a lot of Sting to sooth ……..Links
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David has a Bad Day
As one of an occasional series revisiting some of Sting’s earlier DVDs, we meet the popular actor David who among his many roles appeared in Instruments of Persuasion. In a story entitled “All Smoked Out” which runs through the DVD, between other scenes, David is featured in two scenes during which his magnificent bare bottom is punished by two of the various Instruments of persuasion in the title.The first of these is the cane, which David receives after he and a buddy are caught smoking at school
When David gets home later that day, he is introduced to a second instrument of persuasion the Razor Strop, which his Dad uses on him when he discovers David has been punished at school
David also appears in Instruments of Persuasion Part 2, in which he receives the French Martinete and also a firm hand spanking, images from which were posted here last November.
Instruments of Persuasion DVD
Instruments of Persuasion Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films – for USA usersA link to the Sting US.18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog.
Spank the Boy Soundly and send him to bed
A taste of the Birch
A birch rod (often shortened to “birch”) is a bundle of leafless twigs bound together to form an implement for administering corporal punishment, typically applied to the recipient’s bare buttocks, although occasionally to the back and/or shoulders.
The birch was commonly used as a means of domestic discipline, and was used in British and European schools up until the 19th Century. Its use as a form of adult judicial punishment continued into the 20th Century and in the Isle of Man it was still in use up until 1976.
The birch was also used on offending male youths until the mid-1960s on the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey.
Sting pictures have produced a number of excellent enactments of various judicial birchings, including the superb Guernsey Birching scene from “Instruments of Persuasion Part 2” staring Barry, images from which can be viewed below:
Instruments of Persuasion 2 DVD
Instruments of Persuasion 2 Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films (For US users)Sting Lads – Google Group (Fan group)
A link to the Sting and Mans Hand Films 18 USC,.2257 proof of age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog
What Shall We Do with the Drunken Soldier?
The old Sea Shanty asks “What shall we do with the drunken Sailor?”. However, in this instance it is a soldier, played by the ever incorrigible Tigger, who gets drunk and misses parade.So, what shall we do with him? Make the young rascal straddle a saddle and take a good thrashing with a riding crop on his bare, tender, young backside, that is what!
This scene is from “Instruments of Persuasion II” in which Sting examines some of the less common forms of male bottom aimed Corporal Punishment
Instruments of Persuasion II – DVDInstruments of Persuasion II – Download
Sting at Mans Hand Films – For US Users
Sting lads Google Group (Fan Club)
Links to both the Sting Pictures and Mans Hand Films 18.USC 2257 age declaration is in the right hand column of this blog
Sting Lads – a focus on Jay (Part 2)
Continuing the two part appreciation of popular sting lad Jay, in a further scene from Asian Incident, we find him naked and sore, at the stinging end of a cruel looking cane, in a very convincing punishment scene.In the 1900 House of Correction (Part of the Sting Double Bill) Jay, playing a Victorian youth, was back over a vaulting horse receiving another well deserved strapping.
Probably Jay’s most famous role was in Instruments of Persuasion Part 2 when playing a young French thief he received a bare bottom birching with a bunch of stinging nettles (OUCH!)Further images from the Nettle Birching can be found here
Sadly all boys must grow up, and in Jay’s last role for Sting, in the download Approved Education Part One he switched roles and played a young school master handing out spankings and slipperings to two naughty schoolboys played by Ginger and HarryHowever, most of us fondly remember Jay as the nervous young miscreant with the nettle stung bottom!
Jay has not appeared in any recent Sting movies, and may have now moved on to other things in life. However, whatever he is doing, I am sure we all wish him well, as he has given us a great deal of pleasure as one of the most delightful of the Sting Lads.Links:Asian Incident
Sting Double Bill
Instruments of Persuasion Part 2
Approved EducationSting at Mans Hand Films – (DVDs for US users)
A link the the Sting Pictures US 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog.
Sting Lads – a focus on Jay (Part 1)
Jay was a regular Sting Actor during what we might call, Sting’s middle years, prior to their move to the Czech Republic, appearing in various DVDs including My Borstal Days, Asian Incident, 1900 House of Correction and memorably on the receiving end of the infamous nettle birching in Instruments of Persuasion Part 2 (more of that in part 2 of this post which ,will be posted tomorrow)A natural blond with a handsome face and good body, Jay was ideal for the role of unlucky bad boy which he took to with relish, and obvious good nature.
Like a many of the British Sting Actors, Jay started modelling career working for ClubLads where he became known for his beaming smile and open expressive face, which became even more evident when he began working for Sting – albeit the expressions were somewhat less cheerful ones.Below aew a couple of artistic black and white imagesJay poses with Rob in a backstage scene during the making of 1900 House of Correction (From the Sting Double Bill DVD) – That Robert is one lucky guy!
As a regular member of the “Sting Stable”, Jay appeared in some of Sting’s most iconic scenes. For instance, his all too brief appearance at the beginning of Instruments of Persuasion Part 1, dressed as a Roman schoolboy, in a skimpy toga, bending over to take the birch was the stuff of many a fantasy. The Roman scene was only a brief glimpse during the prologue, however, birching fans are well catered for in what is the first of two excellent explorations of the many and various methods of punishing young male bottoms.One of Jay’s earliest appearances was in My Borstal Days, when in the role of Russell he took a painful bare bottom strapping from a strict headmaster. As ever with Jay when something hurts it shows in his face.
Jay also appeared in a number of scenes in Tales from St Datchet’s Academy (Grey Shorts 2) but, for once, escaped taking a spanking himself (many others, in an all star cast including Matt Mills, Tigger, Brett, Barry, Coyote, Harry, Mike, David, Vex. Lee Knight, JJ and Anderson were not so lucky)In one of Jay’s various scenes in Asian Incident he took a sound slippering across the gym horse, first over tight white shorts, and then on his bare behind. Again Jay’s expressive face told the story.To be continued:….
Links:My Borstal Days
Asian Incident
Sting Double Bill
Instruments of Persuasion Part 1Sting at Mans Hand Films – (DVDs for US users)
A link the the Sting Pictures US 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog.
Up with his kilt!! – Tigger gets the tawse
In another of the short series of pictures ficusing on Sting Star Tigger various spankings we find the handsome young devil at school in bonny Scotland. Caught fighting, the deceptively innocent faced young rogue is punished with a dose of the famous Lochgelly Tawse . Over the gym horse, and up with his kilt, we find that young Tigger is a true Scotsman and that his tender bottom is bare beneath the tartan. No doubt he longed for a pair of firm britches to protect his tender cheeks from the stinging leather, but our laddie is out of luck.
This wonderful and very realistic scene is from part one of Instruments of Persuasion, in which we are taken on a journey through the various instruments which have been used to punish young boys through the ages (this journey was continued in the equally excellent Instruments of persuasion Part 2, both a highly recommended.)
See the various links at the bottom of this posting
Brett in the navy
Matt Mills feels the heat!!
Figging, also known as “feaging” was a Victorian invention, designed to add an extra degree of heat to a spanking. The administering of a figging involved additional source of heat, in this instance, as demonstrated on that most popular of spanking candidates Matt Mills, a piece of raw peeled ginger, being inserted into a young man’s anus immediately prior to a bare bottom Spanking.The resulting burning sensation, in addition to being a further cause of discomfort and embarrassment, caused the miscreant to raise his bottom, thus presenting a particularly tempting target to those administering the punishment.As I am sure young Matt discovered, this delightfully inventive enhancement, must have added quite a bit of extra spice to the proceedings!
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