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Released as a debut download under Sting’s Hornet label “What The Eyes Don’t See” combines Sting’s trademark spanking with lashing of hot sex action in equal measure. Like The Secrets Of College Life, this 42.53 minute movie is set back in college where the spanking is hot and the action is sexy.Paul Kemp (New Sting lad David Black) likes to smuggle the odd drink in to his dormitory however it’s not long before he’s caught and his House Master (Dexter) is asked to deal with him.In the dormitory laid across the bed his pyjamas are pulled down and a hail of slaps collide with his bare bottom. Being a senior now the strap is cracking angrily across the lad’s ample backside.Exhausting work for the master but now young Paul must rise to the occasion; the youthful housemaster will expect to be pleasured after watching such a round raised backside turn so red.Two other lads Denton (Tyler Mason) and Crosby (Jason Shaw) are in big trouble for smoking in the wash room.Ordered to report to the Heads classroom both are soundly spanked and left to think about what they’ve done.Unfortunately with their firm little bottoms now red and burning their minds swiftly go to other things, a relief from the sting becomes overwhelming. Well, what the eyes don’t see…As with most colleges truancy is strictly forbidden. Two boys Peters (Kurt Maddox) and Patrick (New Sting Lad Daniel Prince) can’t seem to get this through their heads and very soon they are in front of their Housemaster (Johan Volny) who unfortunately for them is also the PT master.
It’s a two strikes and you’re out rule with him and he gives both boys a good spanking.Secretly all the lads know what’ll happen with this young PT master if you are caught more than once. When giving punishment he will expect pleasure and as the stinging rubber gym slipper cracks home that just what’s going to happen.Links provided to respect the Sting / Hornet’s intellectual property
Hornet Pictures – The Secrets of College life now available
The long awaited new Hornet Pictures production “The Secrets of College Life” is now available, click here for more details or here to go directly to the Sting Pictures site.
Secret Life of Students – Preview stills Part 1
The second set of preview stills from the Secret life of Students can be viewed by clicking here
Warning: gay sex only – no spanking
Secret Life of Students – Preview stills
The first set of preview stills for the Secret Life of Students has been posted to the Hornet Pictures blog, and can be viewed by clicking here.
WARNING: No spanking is involved. Gay sex only
Sting – A New venture – Hornet Pictures
The first movie by Hornet Pictures, a new venture by Sting pictures is “The Secrets of College Life” and will be released shortly.
Here is a press release from Sting regarding Hornet Pictures
The Secrets of College Life
Hornet Pictures. STG Pictures Ltd 2011The Secrets of College Life is the first vanilla adult feature from STG Pictures new studio Hornet Pictures. After more than eighteen years making fetish films with Sting Pictures this twice award nominated studio has decided to venture in to another area.
Michael Steele the producer has worked hard to produce a new sense of realism to the stories with careful planning in regard to both cast, costumes and location. The film’s director Richard O’Shea says that after reviewing many of the current gay adult titles everything seemed to be the same it was becoming harder to differentiate one European studio from another. As a mainstream drama film director O’Shea wanted to bring out and elevate a better sense of characterisation, get to know the boys more, really want to know the boys more and then see them in some hot action sequences. Coupled with this try to use realistic sets and not just another back street lounge sofa as the main prop. O’Shea also states that he cannot see why porn films shouldn’t adopt some of the storytelling abilities of their mainstream cinema counterparts. Although budgets are always tight it must be possible to give adult films a more appealing and cinematic feel even before the cast begin to bang the hell out of each other. Rob Lyman the films executive producer has certainly stretched the finances to produce that desired cinematic effect.
Hot steamy sex and horny action is certainly the major part of The Secret life of Students but with the location and costume detail you really begin to believe these are sex craved young students, continually horny and out to get their rocks off at whatever cost. Secrets oozes sex and on reviewing it all one can say is I wish my college days had been like this! If you’re looking for something different you’ll find it in Hornet Pictures The Secret Life Of Students.
Although The secret life of Students includes a caning scene (images from which will be posted here shortly) the majority of the content is non-spanking and therefore off topic,