- Category Archives hairbrush
A new release by MancSpank: Mark the Thief’s Hard, Bare Bottom, Spanking!Caught red handed by dad stealing money out of his wallet, Mark is dragged to the study by the ear, lectured then thrown over dads knee for a long hard spanking.his trousers and underpants are then removed and back over the knee for a dam good rapid fire hiding on his bare bottom!.Mark is then made to stand in the corner before being put over the chair for a hard leathering with the strap.Sent for a shower he is then laid on the bed reading the beano in his cute red underpants before dad rips them down and applies the stinging hair brush OTK leaving him squirming with a very red bottomAs the main MancSpank sites are currently being rebuilt this clip is available from Clips4Sale.There is a link to the MancSpank 18.USC.2257 notice in the right hand column at this blog
Mans Hand Oldie – The Alter Boys
Mans Hand Films has been around longer than just about anyone else on the US spanking scene, so as part of an occasional retrospective of some of their earliest movies I’d like to thank our good friend Helmut for these images and clever gifs from Mans Hands’ 1993 release “Altar Boys”The two alter boys have been sampling the communion wine and harassing the congregation and their young bottoms pay for it at the stinging end of first Father Xavier’s hand and then his trusty hairbrush!The Alar boys is still available as part of MHV 135There is a link to the Mans Hand Films 18.USC.2257 compliance notice in the right hand column of this blog
MancSpank – Tim’s home from uni with a sore bottom
In a new video from MancSpank, Tim is home from art college , but his father thinks he needs to get a proper job, so if he doesn’t come home with with a good report dad then finds any reason to give him a dam good spanking bare bottom by hand then the stinging hairbrush followed by the leather strap and then the cane poor Tim is sent back to uni with one very red bottomLinks:MancSpank videos video are available fromThere is a link to the MancSpank 18.USC.2257 notice in the right hand column at this blogCheck out their other site UrFetish.net
Sting Raw – Guest Production “The Loose Cannon” – Staring Brett Stevens
“The Loose Cannon” is the first of the Sting Raw Guest production, it is produced and directed by (Dr.) Richard Barton, and shot on location in the UK, The movie hosted and distributed by Sting Pictures. Sting hope to showcase other directors soon on Sting Raw and also enable the more frequent appearance of some of the other Brit Sting lads.This first guest Production features Brett Stevens, who gets caned, hand spanked and takes a dose of the hairbrush!
Story line: All is not well at Barton College. Senior lad Stevens (Brett) has taken it upon himself to perform a prank at the yearly prize giving ceremony. After putting laxative in the Governors and staff tea urn, one after another rushes from the stage to deal with their unfortunate position. Red faces all round but soon not to be the only part that’s red! The Headmaster’s face certainly is as he tears a strip of Brett and orders him to receive a good caning. Unfortunately for Brett this isn’t the end of it. Brett’s Dad (Dr. Barton) on getting a call from the frustrated head is in no mood to compromise. He’s angry with the lad, not for the prank but for actually getting caught with the evidence! A spanking and sharp session with the hairbrush follow for the hapless prankster giving him a red hot reason to remember next time to plan it better and not to get caught!Links:
The movie can be downloaded from the sting site at:
https://www.stingpictures.tv/sv/shop/STING_RAW/THE_LOOSE_ CANNON.html High quality stills are available from Brett’s Images4Sale site at
http://www.images4sale.com/store/44826 Brett’s video clip site is http://clips4sale.com/store/44826
Grandad spanks
Out of a hot shower and straight over Grandad’s knee for a good hard bare bottom spanking. A well tested means of getting through to a boy, as effective now as it was fifty years ago.
R.C. at “Reluctant Young men” #2
Here are some screen grabs of the hot and handsome R.C. over Coach Rich’s knee in Spanked Athletes III which I do recommend. As in The New Boss, R.C. takes a long, hard, and obviously painful spanking very well. In this one I love the way that he looks pleadingly over his shoulder at the camera, it is really sexy to see.
Note: I have no connection with Reluctant Young Men.com but have enjoyed a number of their recent downloads, so I am spreading the news.
R.C. at “Reluctant Young men” #1
I recently downloaded a couple of scenes from Reluctant young men featuring a really hot guy called R.C. and they were excellent. R.C. is great to look at and he can really take a spanking, here are some screen grabs of him being spanked by his new boss Scott (who is also quite hot) is n Working Men.