In celebration of today’s Royal Wedding, I have posted one of the artist Jonathan’s rare FemDom images to our back up blog JockSpank II – those we enjoy (or can tolerate) F/M images can view the picture by CLICKING HERE
- Category Archives FemDom
The Artist is Franco
Hello Franco fans!! I have finished putting up the other half of the Franco Fan Archive. This half has (gasp) female tops! Now I know many of you find even the faintest whiff of vagina to be off-putting, but I’m taking the chance that many of the rest of you love to see naked male butts spanked regardless to whom the punishing arm is attached. If that’s true for you, go here and join Franco_Fan_Fem_Dom Tribute Archive:
Foot Locker Spank Commercial
Click the image above to view the famous Foot Locker Spanking Commercial at JockSpank IIWARNING: Fem/Dom
Washing Grandma’s Car – Fem Dom (CFNM)
The following pictures are from the “St Dunstan’s Soap Opera” by Adventures in CFNM generally known as They feature two young men called Brad and Scott get soundly spanked and made to wash an elderly woman’s car while bare butt naked. As this scene features men being spanked by a woman, which some viewers may not wish to see, the rest of the pictures, together with with full details, have been posted to Jock Spank II and can be viwed by CLICKING HEREA link to’s US 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
Unlucky Jeff
This is Jeff, a rather cute young man who is on the receiving end of a number of severe spankings.
Unfortunately, the person doing the spanking is Jeff’s wife. Therefore the picture stories have been posted to the new back up blog JockSpank 11 under the title “When Husbands misbehave”, those who enjoy F/M spanking or who are not offended by the subject can view them by clicking here.Those offended by F/M spanking pictures should not proceed.