• Category Archives admin
  • UK Online Safety Regulations

    The UK’s New Online Safety Regulation come into effect today, this is likely to have significant impact on users accessing adult content from within the UK. It may even result in some sites blocking users in the UK from even accessing the sites.

    Jockspank already has safety measures in place, in that visitors are unable to post to the site and all comments are moderated prior to publication. However, these may not be enough to satisfy the new regulations.

    We are looking into this matter and will let users know how this is likely to affect your experience of this site going forward.

  • JockSpank Site Maintenance

    Over the next five days, starting tomorrow April 11th, this site will be undergoing Maintenance, in an effort to resolve some of the technical issues we have been experiencing. Although the site is expected to remain online and open to visitors, we will be limited as to how many new postings, if any, can be uploaded until the work is completed.

    We anticipate that service will be back to normal by Sunday April 16th.

    Thank you for your understanding

  • Speed Issue Question

    We are still seeking to establish the cause of the speed issue some visitors are experiencing. It has been suggested that it may be Browser related. Could those who are experiencing difficulty please let us know what Browser you are using when the problems occur.

    Answers can be left as comments, or via the Contact Us Tab in the left hand column

    Thanks for your help

  • Site Speed Issues

    I am aware that some people are experiencing intermittent difficulty with the speed and navigation of this site. I am currently investigating the cause of the problem to see how this can be resolved.

    I regret the inconvenience caused.

  • JockSpank Archive Restoration (Update)

    We have made some progress on restoring the JockSpank archive which was badly damaged following Google’s decision to delete my account  and all stored files, following an alleged breach of their terms of service (the details of which they have refused to disclose)

    Postings from 2008, 2009 and 2010 have now been rebuilt, and we will now commence work on the section from 2011 to 2013 shortly. Meanwhile we are restoring individual sections of the site, and will soon start reposting content which cannot be restored in its original sequence.

    This is proving a complicated and difficult process which is taking us longer than I anticipated. However, I am still optimistic that, in time, we can restore much of what was destroyed by this arbitary action by Big Tech.

    Thank you for bearing with us and for your patience.

  • JockSpank Renaissance

    I have spent the last 24 hours looking through External Hard Drives, Cloud Storage and even a few very old CDs, and I have concluded that at least 80% to 90% of the JockSpank archive can be rebuilt.

    Bruce and I will do this ourselves, however, it is a daunting task and I regret that it will take many months, or even a year, to complete (after all JockSpank took 14 years to build in the first place) but it can be done

    Meanwhile, we will continue to post new updates in the usual way, so there should be new material to keep visitors entertained

    Therefore, if you will stick with us, the masters of the Universe will be defeated and JockSpank will rise again (eventually)

    Progress updates will be posted from time to time


    PS: I regret the tone of my earlier messages, but this attack was devastating

  • Update on the JockSpank Archive

    As I announced in a posting yesterday, as the result of action taken against me, without prior warning, by Google a large section of the JockSpank archive has been destroyed. This has directly impacted the thousands of people, mostly gay men, who enjoy this content.

    So far, Google has refused to uphold my appeal against their action. I will have to decide what affect this will have on the future of JockSpank.

    However, in the meantime I would like to make the following personal declaration


    Google have unfairly alleged that I have breached their Terms of Service

    I herewith declare that I have never breached the spirit or letter of Google’s TOS

    In GOOD FAITH I set up a Gay interest adult blog JockSpank in 2008, behind an adult content warning, as was specifically allowed by Google’s Rules in 2008

    I have never monetized the blog, or made so made so much as a cent from the blog.

    Whilst this was still permitted by Blogger rules I linked to commercial sites for the benefit of visitors but did not act as an agent for those sites and I was NOT financially compensated by them

    My blog was a service to members of the gay community who share my interests, in the same way as a film review site might be, nothing else.

    After Blogger changed the rules regarding commercial adult content, I ceased posting any commercial content to the Blogger blog, and, at the considerable personal expense to Bruce and myself, set up a separate website, which remains entirely free to visitors at www.jock-spank.com

    Since then I have only posted non-commercial posing pictures and art-work to the original Blogger Blog.

    I have, therefore, complied with Google TOS at all stages and to claim otherwise is calamity and slander

    Ward Coleman

  • The JockSpank Archive

    I am very sad to report that we have been hit by a major disaster.

    As you will be aware JockSpank was originally set up as a Blogger blog which is a part of Google.  As a result, for many years large numbers of the images were posted via my Google account. When this new site was set up, the images were transported across from Google, as embedded images.

    This week, without warning, Google deleted my account, alleging they had found “Harmful content”. They have not told me what that “Harmful Content” is, but I can only assume it is something which was posted to JockSpank, as that was really all I used the account for.

    The result is that huge sections of our archive, representing many hundreds of hours of work and personal effort have vanished. Most of what what was posted prior to 2016 and some more recent images has been lost

    This is a huge personal blow, and very damaging to JockSpank as a Historical archive.

    I have, of course, appealed, but Google are not famous for responding in these circumstances.

    This is further evidence, if we needed it of how fragile and vulnerable our online existence is when using technology and social media.

    I will keep you informed