This 2010 drama documentary features several instruments with one thing in common; they are all made of leather. Each Chapter sees our wayward lads firstly on the end of a spanking, long and hard. (The best place to start when warming up for the main implement.) With their bare bottoms red and raw the real action begins.

Young Jason Kelly (Kevin) is on the receiving end of his uncle’s belt after cheating in the midterm college exams. It’s a first time for this modern age lad but there’s a good chance now, as he nurses his burning backside of course, it will make him see sense.

Now back in time to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Hawkins (Marc Russell) an inmate of Carnfield Institute the infamous house of correction for unruly young gentlemen is taken to task for insolence and slacking. Col. Templeton Lee decides to crack down and with the help of Warder Mr Squears brings his trusty hunting whip to bare.

As all the cadets know this sort of discipline is off the record and after a good spanking the fiery tales of the martinet will fly. Grasping the punch bag in the Gym and gasping as each stoke lashes across his saw bare backside; this young soldier will stay sober for some time to come. If he doesn’t he knows what’s waiting…another ‘Taste of Leather’.

I have just watched this download, and take my word for it, it is one of the hottest I have seen in a long while!
The following Teaser pictures were released in advance of A Taste of Leather in August 2010
