- Category Archives 1900 House of Correction
Part two of the set of images from some of Sting’s forthcoming productions and Eddie Savion appears as a birch wielding top in this Hornet production, however, Eddie will also be taking some beating himself. However, only when he hasn’t got a date planned with his girlfriend that night (as he does not want her to see the marks!)Also staring Aaron Alton, seen here in 1900 costumeAaron again in schoolboy modeTaking an OTK Spanking from MarcoI hope you enjoyed this preview of delights coming soon from StingLinks Provided out of respect for Sting’s Intellectual rights_______________________
Sting: 1900 – The Punishment Room (Part 1)
1900– The Punishment Room (Part 1): This story takes us on another visit to a turn of the century juvenile House Of Correction. As part of the system the young inmates are given a quota of labour to perform; if they failed to do this they are then given a warning. After that more severe measures can be taken often culminating in an internal sentence of corporal punishment.One such inmate Jackson (Johnny Jenkins) had pushed the boundaries too far and is ordered by the governor to report to the warder in charge (Dexter) Always prepared to administer discipline he orders Jackson to quickly strip and prepare to receive a stinging bare bottom spanking.This humiliating act for an older lad is to be followed by a dose of the heavy House Of Correction strap. Mounted on a sturdy wooden handle the thick leather business end of this instrument can really scold a wayward boy’s bare bottom.As Jackson’s strapping comes to an end in another part of the building the Governor has caught his son Jack (Nicholas Salter) misbehaving and takes him by his ear to the very room the older lads are punished in. He has been getting far too above himself just lately and is now told in no uncertain terms to unbutton his breeches.He too goes over the knee for a good spanking but half way through the Governor spies a much better way to scorch the lad’s bare bottom…..He grabs hold of a nearby short carpet beater and begins to use it to good effect on the boy’s bare backside. Young Jack howls as the tightly woven rattan collides with his burning bottom.This is by no means the end though as Jack, now bending over the Windsor kitchen chair, is about to find out.The thwipp and swish of a freshly cut switch is about to bite in to the tender cheeks of this naughty boy.Clutching his red raw bottom Jack soon realises it’s probably best not to be dragged in future to The Punishment Room!Links Provided out of respect for Sting’s Intellectual rights
A 1900 Birching in the Sting Members area
Continuing this week’s feast of Sting we have another update to the Sting Member’s area Featuring Brad and Dexter
The administration of physical discipline at the turn of the century was seen as the best answer to turn around a lad who had deviated from the straight and narrow. ​In the many intuitions set up to deal with young offenders​ the birch was a particular favourite tool .
In this video a young inmate (Brad) has not been performing his allotted task as expected. His report is very below average so the governor orders him to the punishment room.On arrival he is ordered to strip by the warder in charge (Dexter) then given a hard over the knee spanking on his bare bottom.This is just a warm up for the real punishment where he will be ordered to mount the birching pony and receive a long dose of the birch. This he does and the growing pain from each lash of this instrument burns and scorches his already spanked tender backside.The effect of salt water soaked birch twigs biting in to the lad’s bare bottom is scorching! This really is a 1900s Birching.Links provided out of respect for sting’s intellectual ownership rights—–
Sting : Video trailer for 1900 Return to the House of Correction
Scroll down to view the video trailer for 1900 Return to the House of Correctionstaring
Leonardo KingMike CrossJay Faithand Jonathon
(appearing by permission of the Magic Spanking Factory)with Dexter and Marco handing out the punishmentPreview trailerLinks
Sting: 1900 Return to the House of Correction
Sting’s latest download 1900 Return to the House of correctionThe Police courts are busy and Colonel Templeton Lee’s Juvenile House of Correction couldn’t be busier. New arrivals who do not pull their weight are soon in line for some serous discipline.Albert Stanton (Leonardo King) is one such lad who finds himself hauled up in front of the Governor. At the turn of the century and for many years after to maintain good discipline the most sensible thing to do was to lay on some corrective punishment.In this case it’s a good breeches down spanking for Stanton ….. followed by the burning sting of the old leather tawse, its bands of fire well laid across his bare backside.John Hawkins (Jay Faith) a new inmate freshly arrived from York is taken over the knee of Warder Mr Sturchley (Dexter) just to introduce him to what’s expected from a new inmate.Meanwhile the Colonel deals with another younger Warder, Mr Hawksley (Mike Cross) who has been taking far too many liberties in his exalted position.A humiliating bare bottom spanking for this insolent young officer……followed by a session with the salt water soaked birch, which he would normally wield himself!Now the time has come to carry out the sentences imposed by the courts. First to be put over the birching pony is John Hawkins.The executioner is Mr Strurchley stripped to the waist and ready to lay on some scorching strokes. Twenty Four burning lashes later the lad’s slate is wiped clean but with more time to serve he must still be on his best behaviour all the same!Finally young Arthur Crosby (Jonathan, appearing courtesy of The Magic Spanking Factory) is ordered over the well used birching pony. The sentence is read out and the boy is secured, Mr Butcher (Marco) flexes the cruel birch bringing it down with relish on to Arthur’s defenceless bare bottom.One by one the strokes lash down and Arthur begins to howl, his raw bare buttocks blazing from the whippy birch twigs relentlessly biting home.The lad quickly makes up his mind that It will be sometime if ever before he Returns to the House Of Correction!
There is a link to the Sting Title 2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blogLinks provided to respect the intellectual property rights of the creator these images
Coming soon from Sting – 1900 Diary of Discipline
Some more images from Sting’s next scheduled releaseAnd he’s over Dexter’s muscular knee
Coming soon – Sting Returns to the 1900 House of Correction
In their next release Discipline Diary1900 Sting will be paying another visit to the 1900 House of Correction for wayward young men, where the strict disciplinarian Colonel Templeton Lee is experimenting with various inspired means of inflicting heightened degrees of discomfort to the young male behind. This involves various potions and ointments designed to intensify the “Sting” of any bottom related punishment, and in case you are interested those birches are soaking in in sea salt, as would have been the case on the original naval training ships.Sting will certainly be adding an extra STING to the tail in their forthcoming presentation! I doubt young James and Sebastian will be sitting comfortably any time soon!
A link to the sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age / record keeping declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
1900 House of Correction – screen shots Part 5 The end
Life continues in Colonel Templeton Lee’s 1900 House of Correction (Part 2 of the Sting Double Bill) and the wayward boys discuss the butt blistering punishments they receive when they step out of line
Young Henry Ecclestone, played by David, has really stepped badly out of line, and, for his sins he is about to discover what the birch feels like.
Again the scene ends with a very tearful and contrite young man, who, like his companions in the house of correction has discovered that tough love 1900 style can leave a boy with
Sting Double Bill – DVD
Sting Double Bill – DownloadSting at Mans Hand Films– For US users
A link to the Sting Pictures U.S.C 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
1900 House of Correction – screen shots Part 4
The Sting Double Bill is treat for fans of Matt Mills, David and Barry who appear in both parts. In 1900 House of Correction Barry’s plump young bottom takes a lot of punishment, after the firm spanking and strapping in earlier scenes, here we see him going over the Master Rob’s knee for a LONG and HARD hand spanking.
High Quality images from this movie can be viewed hereLinks
Sting Double Bill – DVD
Sting Double Bill – DownloadSting at Mans Hand Films– For US users
A link to the Sting Pictures U.S.C 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
1900 House of Correction – screen shots Part 3
A regular feature of most sting movies is the good old fashioned school cane which makes two classic appearances in the 1900 House of Correction (part 2 of the Sting Double Bill)The first to feel the STING of the cane is Vex, who you will recall already received a firm bare bottom hand spanking earlier in the movie
Those marks will take a while to fade, and it will be some time before Vex will be sitting comfortably!!
That certainly brought tears to his eyes!The scene ends with yet another tearful young man!
To Be Continued
High Quality images from this movie can be viewed hereLinks
Sting Double Bill – DVD
Sting Double Bill – DownloadSting at Mans Hand Films– For US users
A link to the Sting Pictures U.S.C 18.2257 age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog