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- Category Archives 1900 House of Correction
Sting: Crime and Punishment (Part 2 of 2) Including The Video Preview
Scene two
The second boy inmate is Ackerman (Kenny Hill) His name has made it to the red book again, something that most sensible lads try to avoid. It will only mean one thing, a goods session of punishment with Warder Sharpe.
Warder Sharpe’s preferred instrument is a freshly cut switch.
Which, as anyone who has been caned with one knows, stings like Hell!!
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Sting: Crime and Punishment (Part 1 of 2)
To be incarcerated in the House Of Correction in the 1900s almost certainly meant you’d be lucky to escape your time there without having received some form of corporal punishment. Bare bottom spanking the birch, rattan cane, tawse, switch and belt were all kept gainfully employed as punishment instruments in the on going correction of recalcitrant young lads. The punishment room was always a busy place!
Inmate Malone (Richard Hicks) is the first to be sent to the Assistant Chief Warder. He’s supposed to be there for correction but he continues to be one cheeky, rude naughty boy and there’s only one way to deal with him.
The Assailant Chief will be bringing his old leather strap to bear on the boys naked posterior in a well deserved strapping.
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Sting: House of Correction Revisited (Part 2 of 2) plus video preview
Scene two
A new arrival was a young man called George Bennet (Robin Palmer) a local troublemaker, he would rate as a junior in The House of Correction.
Bennett has arrived with a court order for bare bottom discipline to be administered. This was something that Warden Sharpe was particularly skilled at especially with young whipper-snappers like Bennet.
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Sting: House of Correction Revisited (Part 1 of 2)
In the austere Houses of Correction at the turn of the century discipline was rigorously maintained. For misconduct even senior lads could find themselves across an officers knee, better that though than getting reported to the governor!
However, 24975 Macalister (James Holt) was slow to learn his lesson and was soon ordered to be officially flogged. The governors patients had worn out and the whip was always waiting! This oiled leather instrument brought down with vigour on to a young man bare bottom soon gets him to pay attention.
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Sting: Prison Rules 1900 (Part 2 of 2)
The second scene from the new Edwardian prison drama
The second inmate is Henry James (Ryan Conway) an insolent late teen. He’s caused a lot of trouble in the wing, ending up with a fight.
He too is ordered to the punishment room and will receive a flogging at the punishment frame.
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Sting: Prison Rules 1900 (Part 1 of 2)
Stepping back to the days when a snowflake was just something that fell in winter. The lads of yesteryear were anything but and knew that if you break the law you’ll end up being severely punished. The visiting Magistrates to the prison had the power to order different types of punishment, including corporal punishment for persistent offenders. If you ending up in prison or a House Of Correction and continued breaking the rules a young inmate could face further discipline. A Magistrate, along with the Governor, had the power to order a re offender to receive a birching or tawsing and of course the infamous cat of nine tails!
Two such fit young lads were up before the Governor for misbehaviour. The first Harry Cornell (Joey Whyte) with his discipline report, in the governors words, as being appalling.
To cure this he will be ordered to report to the punishment room. Here bent over the flogging pony he will be given the prison strap.
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Sting: The Punishment Room 4 (Part 2 of 2)
The firm discipline continues to be enforced at Colonel Lee’s House of Correction
Next in line is Green (Jay Sheen) He’s been sentenced by the Colonel to a birching. This punishment is both well known and feared by the boys in the House Of Correction.
A birching means baring your buttocks and being secured over the birching pony for a flogging. Young green can expect a painful session as the freshly soaked twigs bite in to his bare bottom.
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