Casa Revisited – AOL Chef: At Bottom Line

Casa Revisited: AWOL Chef

John, a newly hired chef at the Casa, didn’t show up to work on the day of Riley’s inspection. With the feeling of his own chastisement still fresh, Diego goes and tracks down the AWOL chef.


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Casa Revisited: AOL Chef


Title 2257


4 Responses to Casa Revisited – AOL Chef: At Bottom Line

  1. I’d really like to see Diego being spanked!
    Has he been featured on this site recently?

  2. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Diego definitely deems deserters deserve dreadful doses of dire derriere-dermis-dolefully-dooming due discipline, though this dumb dude didn’t decide to desert duty: klutz kitchen boss Aiden recruited John alone and already allowed him to avoid Riley’s ‘inspection’ visit, even though understaffing was part of the crossly-castigating critic’s crucial criticism. So he gives the guy enough benefit of the doubt to spare him the boot, instead finding it only fair his fanny is flailed as fast-frockless as that fucking French fool flogged his far from fairly. Formally this fine flailing is a ‘foretaste’ of the full-force flogging to follow fatally any future food-related fault or foppish foolery from now.
    John, a fucking former fastfood flunky, whose frightfully-firm father frequently flails filial fanny frockless for any fault, formerly for FFs or, frankly, for fucking frat-style flogger-fun, father formally ‘feeling frightfully fucked by the foppish filial fool failing to find a fitting faculty and frat, finds this furnace-fiery flailing fair, feeling fast ‘at home’, utterly used to upended comeuppances, uttering genuine gratitude, as here he’s allowed to learn all about cooking more edible items then blazing brat-buns, so after sweetly submitting to a sound session of stripped spankings, supplicates strict Sir shouldn’t spare him substantial scarlet-scorched-seat-sufferance, suggesting to stay steadily-commando, also as at home, describing Diego as daddy-bis duly dispensing the dejectedly-dick-dangling-defrocked deferential dude doses of doleful derriere-dermis-damning discipline as ‘daily dues’.
    It’s music to Diego’s ears, knowing the miserable mess in ‘ Montana means he must as makeover-maker meet-out manifold meekly-mounted-male-mounds-martyry, knowing from ample, eerily-exposed endurer and ever-enjoying-elder experience at both ends of the rod the remarkable results of righting runaway rogues’ repeated wrongs by ruthless respect-restoring regime of relentlessly-reoccurring rebel-rear-red-raw-ravaging ragless rod-rides, requiring only rueful-rendered rascals to respond receptively to repressive rump-roasting. Although normally not given to senseless severity, let alone common, counterproductive cruelty, dutiful disciplinarian Diego demi-despairs due to the daunting duty of debugging this disgusting dump and downhill-due dumbos from dismay to decency. Way worse, Diego’s and Jackson’s empty-headed employer is commonly cruel to the clever consultants, so they’re likely soon to share in the inn’s incompetents staff’s scary seat-sufferance-share of scolding, striping-stages and spanking sessions satisfying the stupid sadist’s simplistic sense of ‘suitable sanctions‘, solely showing they systematically subject the sub-standard staff to such should shield ‘selves from sorely-sorry-sensing said strict Sir’s savage severity.
    So Diego plans to thoroughly test on this teaching-eager teen’s trouserless tail the time-honoured thorny tush-tender-tanning techniques of truly training the tons of things to teach this terrible trash-team to toil their tails off and turn technically terrific in time, by thrashing them time after time to thought-over trainings. It will take time to work-out what to achieve in full detail and how to organize the teens’ training to these tons of things for their tens of tasks in cooking, serving, housekeeping … Diego will therefore determine their dozens do’s and don’ts and then demonstrate the due didactic doleful-defrocked-dude-derriere-dermis-doom on this dufus as daily due deserts after dessert, day after day, meticulously making a marvellous manual for making meals etc., by manifold mercilessly-met-out meekly-mounted-male-mounds-meat-miserably-martyring.
    John actually expresses enthusiasm, eager to experience endless-seeming experimental empirical establishment of eerily-exposed-endurance-efficiency in educating elaborately, which should save his and his peers’ jobs here by expertly improving their job-descriptions, intensely interested in ‘investing’ the immense impending inventive inventory of improvements introduced by intimidatingly-intense intimate-intimations, as Diego embraces his suggestion to make sure the soundly sorely-sorry-swatting stripped-spanking-sessions to be supplemented by scared-stiff-swollen-seed-shafts-securing stuff such as grosses of groping going with gruesomely-good-given glowing-globes-grillings of grovelling guys getting it good and grimly, going great with Diego’s definite dedication to ‘poetic justice’ in posterior paining with purposeful pervertibles, like lots of kitchen – and cleaning tools and every establishment exploitation equipment engaged in eerily exposed endurances.