Booze and Bets : At Bottom Line

Booze and Bets: Pay Up

Madrid or Barcelona? Sergio has made a bet with a returning Martin bet on the results of a football match. When the time comes to pay up and Sergio doesn’t have any money, Martin settles for payment of a different sort.

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Booze and Bets: Pay Up


Title 2257

One Response to Booze and Bets : At Bottom Line

  1. At first sight, these frat-boy roommates may seem a miserable mismatch: one freshman failing to put any money where his big mouth bragged, the sophomore ‘senior’ stripping and spanking his literally poverty-struck bet-bud as brutal big brother, but(t) actually it’s a win-win for both. As Sergio’s charity scholarship only covers college fees and his immigrant father is even poorer, hoping for financial help once his ‘prince’ graduates as first-ever in the farmhand family, the needy knave now can barely afford his share of the dorm rent from his measly student job, let alone chip-in cash for supplies or some social life, literally living from whatever ‘scraps’ mates (mostly Martin, the roomie who got a full scholarship with even some spending money), throw at him, actually mostly decent meals, drinks and occasional treats like tickets.
    But(t) both brat buddy boys believe a better bid is at hand after hell-week: there is a small frat-house, albeit reserved for a strict selection, mainly seniors plus some top-jocks and tutors, which Martin’s great grades qualify for; it’s even rumoured an informal Latino quota is to be tested to his probable profit, yet he sadly still lacks one crucial quality to qualify: having been raised without sibling, socially-isolated, by a softy single father ‘far from home’ who never needed to flog such model-son, Martin has no eerily-exposed-endurance-experience at either end of the punitive lash, wood or even harsh hand, while frat-tutors spank sternly standard, a surely-sought-after ‘sound’ and sightly study-supervision skill at Scarlet Sigma, while Sergio is looking forward to earn nice bribes by volunteering instead of richer pledges his abject arse to be stripped, smacked and paddled over and over at the frat’s candidate tutor tests, which he doesn’t even mind too much, being brought-up by a bunch of bigger brothers, bad-tempered father and uncles, all busily barking, baring and beating his brat-bubble-butt, both for peccadilloes he did or failed to and as ‘maintenance’ whenever they felt like it, which was painfully often, notably whenever they got guests and lacked anything to treat those to, except a sound stripping and switch-spanking Sergio-show, passing him around still naked to go over every elder male knee ad lib, before ordering him to serve everyone shorts-only, slavishly sure those will be taken or ordered off again (commando being standard for minors) whenever he failed to please anyone in fact or fake reproach, any brat-backtalk guaranteeing way worse whipping than simply sighing “Si, señor” and suffering some sound spankings to satisfy sadist streaks, guests often came to work out some frustration at their own miserably existence, like as-often undeserved whooping from their brutal betters.
    As the conservative campus code prevents (outside frat-houses and authorized Greek events, including spanking booths) any arbitrary baring or beating of and by brats, but(t) custom dictates dispensation for games like wagers, as long as no third party is harmed, the roomies agreed that novice spanker-trainee Martin shall practice plenty on spankee-expert Sergio in their room, same-time saving-up for his ‘fair share’, in scores of sports – and study bets which Martin must win mostly, to take out on his humble-hound’s hottie-hiney-hide, piously practicing plentifully to progressively pristine-pink-to-purple-pain a poor puerile-pupil-puppy’s perilously-pantsed posterior properly-painfully, pervy-public-pleasing to predatory perfection, with Sergio saying -sorry, sobbing or squealing- what’s sorest and stirs sorriest sub-standard-student-submission sure to satisfy the stern spankophile selection-panel.
    Scarcely surprising, surely still soothing some shy scares, soon the strong-armed spanker starts to shed his shivering at somehow super-scathing his squirt-mate’s skin or stupidly sub-standard-smashing sub selectors-standard: as soon as sure the stern-swats satisfactorily scorch Sergio’s stripped spankee-seat superbly, he starts to savour the superior sensation of sovereign spanker-supremacy and sight of shapely stripling squirming to his sirely severity. Sergio may feel fucking-cheated as he’ll find becoming Martin’s junior frat-house roommate lots less relaxed, kept on an ‘exemplary’ short leash, slaving on endless chores and getting stripped and spanked whenever Sir says he deserves it, or just feels like ‘perfectionist practicing’ the painful pounding of perilously-presented pledge-posterior or entertaining frat -, alumni or other guests, often eager to be served by the shivering squirt, sure to be somehow scolded, stripped and soundly spanked to sadistic satisfaction, feeling all too much like home, but(t)t butchy brat boys in that big bunch beat his bubble-butt blistered beyond bearable black and blue bum-batterings back-home, often rivalling here who hits humble-hound-hiney hardest, so hell-hot he’ll hope for home-like hard-handling of his hottie-hide here-too, a hopeless hope however.