BBFC: Taavi the Prankster

BBFC: Taavi the Prankster

Taavi is a lad that just cannot leave any chance to play a prank. It’s a red rag to a bull for him, his naughty side takes over and he just has to go for it. So when making a coffee for Teodor he just has to seize the chance.

The unsuspecting Teodor falls for the prank and takes a mouthful of the horrible coffee.


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The giggling Taavi finds himself grabbed and spanked in a flash and suddenly it does not seem to be so funny.


Taavi is not even dressed for such horseplay, just boxers. So from the start he is feeling the wrath of Teodor. Once his boxers are down it is clear that he is getting something more from this spanking, maybe it’s the reason he did it.



No matter how he tries to control himself he ends up dumping a load, he actually looks a bit embarrassed at this and fortunately Teodor does not see what’s happened and Taavi runs from the scene before he does.


3 Responses to BBFC: Taavi the Prankster

  1. I, for one, think we would all enjoy seeing Teodor undressed! Just out of the shower, for example, giving a raised-knee spanking.

  2. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Aw, and educator’s work seems never really done: just when you think all your hard work (yielding hidden hardons by the way) is getting through to his thick teen-skull, tirelessly thrashing that timid-trouserless- turned-to-tormentor-teen-tail, the twink’s toy-tail tellingly-turnedon-and-turnedoff, the rotten rat reverts to repugnant rascally, rapidly requiring a rigid return to the ruthless regime of regular rebel-rear-red-raw-ravaging rendering the rules-respect-rejecting-ruffian’s ragless rump really-ruefull repressing rebellion! 

  3. Poor old Taavi! He just can’t seem to help himself being naughty! I’m sure that a lot of the time, he doesn’t mean anything bad by it, but he always ends up getting punished as severely as if he did!

    And this time, the boy’s caught wearing just his underpants, so getting his bottom smacked is going to hurt more right from the start! This is a development at BBFC that I, with my particular slant on spanking, wholeheartedly approve! Along with us seeing increasingly lads getting hard while they’re being smacked, with the almost inevitable consequence. haha!

    It’s odd – I can watch other boys on Jock Spank getting a good hiding and think “That jolly well serves you right, young man!” But somehow, with young Taavi, I can’t feel like that. The distress and pain in his face always looks very real and I just find myself thinking ‘Poor little lad!’

    One of my favourite standard features of most BBFC spankings now is that final SMACK! of dismissal! This time it is aimed but never actually hits the spot – no doubt Taavi was expecting it and manages to dodge it as he scuttles away!

    And the best of it is, we know he’ll be back…